Here's a map that goes up several levels. It messes with the ramps vision a bit, but it's fun. Would be great for 2v2 left vs right action.
(4)Mountain Paths
Yea, I agree it would be good for 2v2, LvR, but not for 1v1. The players on top would have a real easy time expoing and such because they start on top, and the ones on the bottom, on the bottom. It's also unfair that teal has three pillar things and no otehr player does on their cliff. The players on top also have ciffed expos, so anyone on top would have a really great advantage.
And here's a bigger SS of the map. Some ppl can't or are too lazy to DL it.
And here is the SCM/JPG converter I used:, first, that screenshot is too small, use scm>jpg converter. Pic:
Edit: Oops someone did it already!
Umm, way too little expansions. There should be 4 more. For a plentiful amount. You also were a bit stingy on mains putting only 7 patches. There is definately going to be economic problems on this map.
The center expansion has minerals facing the left side of the map, it would be wasy for red or blue to harrass workers with flying units.
This map would be better if you made these changes:
More expos, More minerals at mains.
There should be another land bridge towards the top so all players can reach eachother at same times.
Blue and Teal should have closer expansions.
I think it would be better just as the LvR 1v1 map, whereas they start on the bottom, and the highlands would be connected at intervals leading down again.
I understand what you mean about one 1v1 at the bottom. What do you mean connecting highgrounds or something?
Well, right now as it stands, you can just hold the chokes at the bottom, and expand mad upwards. Connecting high grounds just add a little more flavor, so that if someone has the bottom part covered, you can attack those upper expansions without use of air.
Having many levels means that some highground isn't really high when it should. I don't see the point of putting this in a melee map, but maybe some people will think it's fun.
pretty cool lookin. Does the extra elevation also increase damage? For example if a tank was 3 elevation tiers higher does it deal more damage? hmm prob not. Ok I download to see how big this map is?
No, it doesn't increase damage. He's just manipulating the walls to make it feel like it has several levels, but it's only several wall with a 3D effect, they're all on the same level, so you wouldn't get any terrain advantage in terms of accuracy for being on top. I think.
Major confusing for where is high grounds and where is not :/
Why don't you add an island between the two northern starting points so that the map would be a bit more balanced for all four of the players?
That's what I would do.
QUOTE(Chris @ Apr 7 2005, 09:21 AM)
Major confusing for where is high grounds and where is not :/
Not really. High ground is lighter dirt.
The ramps would be high ground, so being on the ramp would be better than being "above" it. What's the point? Why not just have a series of walls and a break in the wall if that is what you want?
good question ihatett.
QUOTE(Fortune @ Apr 7 2005, 11:33 AM)
Why don't you add an island between the two northern starting points so that the map would be a bit more balanced for all four of the players?
That's what I would do.
I mentioned that already fortune. Next time read above posts before saying something.
The fact that I mentioned it as well, (without knowing it had already been mentioned) should be insentive enough for him to change it.
Besides, there's nothing wrong with two alike opinions—so it doesn't really matter if I read what you said or not.