ok. when you create a new map, and dont have the start locations, the autosave, like every 30 seconds, gives you a save error.
maby you could like, tell SF if theres an error saving, dont autosave.
I know it's annoying. For now, clicking Yes once will make it never ask you again.
I know it's annoying. For now, clicking Yes once will make it never ask you again.
LoL, i woudl always answer either No or Cancel.

i see now

well then the problem is it sets all th eplayers to inactive, and you dont notice, and then things dont work right and your all like WTF WHY ISENT THIS WORKIJNG and get all pissed off, then your about to throw the computer at the wall when you find out SF changed them to inactive...
Is it really that much different than having to remember to place a start location for players you want in the game? I know it's a little different from SE, but here's what you can do:
- Start a map. When the save warning appears, just hit yes.
- Place start locations for the players you want to have in the game.
- Go to the player settings window and set the options for each player.
And you'll never see the warning again. You already have to do these steps in SE, but the order of the second two doesn't matter.
Or (what I do) just place all the start locations just as the map starts (ignoring the warnings), then when you get all 8 you have 3 or 4 warnings (if your fast enough). Then just place the start locations where you want later so then you dont have to bother with reactivating them.
Its not really a huge bug, its your own stupidity :P
But... that auto save can get annoying.. my one map is like W.bck.bck.bck.bck.bck
You only get several copies of the .bak extension if you actually start working with the .bak file...If you ever feel the need to start using the backup instead of the original, then rename it.