Im an advocate for melee maps in a UMS environment. Yet a lot of the times I criticize peoples work. Sometimes theyre constructive, sometimes theyre not. Well, come as it be, I realized its not easy to make a good map. Some take lots of work and time, and others can be finished within hours.
So I decided to take it upon myself to make a map myself. Just standard 1v1, 128x128, rotational symmetry. I did this in about two-three hours, so constructive criticism is greatly welcomed.
Anyway, Ill take in suggestions, comments, and edit my map accordingly.
Also, can someone make a jpg of the map for me? Long story short, I cant use the scm>jpg program on my comp.
EDIT2 (4-7-05):
Source 1.0.2 changes:
Turned the mains into highlands.
Dual geysers both at 2500 now. Thats the same amount as one 5000, except faster gather rate with two. Reduced to 7 mineral nodes.
Added additional mineral-only expos outside mains. 7 nodes, upped from my original plan for 6.
Took out ramps leading around and behind top/bottom side expos.
Removed bridge, and changed it so theres only one entrance up into main. Room for rax/depot wall.
I stoped looking at it after seeing the easy Tank possibly even Lurk access to each main's minerals.
Not really. Templars can easily reach there too, so it's not a problem, and as soon as you get your expansion behind your base, his dropping capacities behind your precious main will be drastictly smaller.
I don't like that 1800 Geyser... It'll last 10 minutes and it'll be depleted (which is rather useless).
I like how the map's made, although, as Chu said... ALL mineral patches can easily be reached by any units. So much for safety =/
Noticed Blue got a second path from his base to access the mineral-only expansion, but Red doesn't have anything?
Could someone add a picture? I don't have access to starcraft.
Red doesnt have a bridge behind his main...
This map is ok, I think you should add 2 more expos, maybe in the middle area? im not too sure. maybe in the area between the water and high dirt, on the grassy land, you see where? You dont have to but it would be somehting to think about.
The bases are too open. Each base has 2 large and same-level entrances.
The gas is too vulnerable on this map, with half of it in the very open center expos. The other expos are also copmletely cliffable, and the geyser at the main is right next to the bridge (which you have to add to 5 oclock).
It's ok—bit too symmetrical for my likings though.
Yenku is right as well, add a bridge behind Red's starting location.
No expo or base on highland is kind of weird. Just seems empty and open to me. The road and mud are kind of oddly placed.
My mistake on red's bridge - I accidentally deleted it while I was messing with the mud. Anyway, Ill look at everyones suggestions, and do (if any) changes accordingly.
chuiu_os: Perhaps Ill make the mains on highland. Thatll alleviate some of the tank/lurk pressure should they sneak into the back.
Chris: Ill up the geysers there to 2500, maybe 3000 if its really necessary. That or have one 5000 and one 2000. The whole idea behind having two at one expo is to give a temporary gas boost.
And really now, arent all minerals in every map vulnerable? The two expos to the top/bottom sides are relatively safe, since you could usually hold control of the cliff over it. The mineral-only expo is relatively safe®.
Yenku: Yeah, I know where youre talking about. Ill add some 6-mins expos there.
devilesk: Dont sweat over the terrain too much. Im more interested in what you have to say about the possible gameplay this map provides.
If there are any more suggestions youd like to add, or anything you want to counter about these current suggestions, please do.
Map updated.
I tried to incorporate aspects of everyone's suggestions and comments without compromising my original intent for the map. Again, I cannot provide a image.
Yenku, if you would kindly process another one for me, Ill save it and upload it onto my space, and afterwards you can delete it. Thanks.
I said that the gas is vulnerable, not the minerals. And I don't think you will be able to "hold the cliff" easily unless you are terran and put mines on the ramps. What makes you think you will be able to? You don't want to have units lying around doing nothing, you know, and you would need units on the cliff and on the ground.
I'd like to see the new map.
EDIT: Oh, you didn't respond to me, it was to someone else.
Still, he is right in that bases are too hard to hold on this map.
K here it is:[attachmentid=7532]
I like this alot more. Good job.
Sincere thanks for the image, Yenku! I didnt realize it was there til just now.
no problem, ill do it for any one who asks nicely instead of rudly not posting one and just forgetting about it.