Yeah, on daylight savings time I changed my settings like 10 times trying to get the correct timezone to work... failed.
I guess just change to the next timezone over and don't use daylight savings time option
I really don't understand that option even. The time you select is simply an offset of the true server's time. Daylight savings time should change the server's time, so adding an additional offset would just disrupt it. Yet, without the option, the time is STILL wrong.
Isn't daylight savings time the same day for everyone (not accounting -/+ 1 day because of time offsets).
What's really interesting is the other day... forget what it's called. When we go back one hour in time, it could seriously screw up posts if someone posted at 2:30 am and then at 3:01 am (2:01 am in the new time), that post would be BEFORE the older one.