I was thinking of having a poll, that instead of having just ONE vote, you could have multiply votes.
Like for example -
If you wanted to be able to see how many types of a certain item, people have played. Other then one catagory, and other then having the option of "All of the Above"
Having like, 10 options to vote for, leaves you with 10 votes, but once you vote, you've voted, just like a normal poll...
Well at first this seempt like a good idea. Not sure if it is too appealing to me now, but it might be helpful, or used? But then again, I'm not sure if too many people would make that many "other poll" type threads..
Votes with check-boxes and multiple choices, simply put.
Instead of something like Whats your favorite combo?, and listing medic and marine, ling and hydra, z and goon, therell be options like
Unit 1:
ling, rine, z
Unit 2:
goon, bat, hydra
allowing for more combinations and such. Right?
Thats pretty much what I meant, and would like to have.
Sound like a good Idea, but one other thing that should be added is changing your vote. Say if later you change your mind about your favorite you could go back and set it to something else.
Multiple choice polls with or without weights were already planned.
Multiple choice polls divided into groups (select one from here and one from here), perhaps.
Vote changing... I don't know about. Usually you poll people for their pure response, not a reponse after they read something and their opinion gets tainted by another member's opinion.
You guys have no idea how awesome polls are going to be in v5
Apparently we do not....
It seems this has shed some light on it
Well I wasn't unaware so,
I want a main-page weekly poll!!