A few maps ive been working on this month, just for fun. "Blood Bash" is a "Blood Bath" island version somehow... and "Constricter" was my influence for making "Dawn Patrol", something like a rush map, but also with a few expos if things take too long.
"Emperor's Throne" and "Porcupine Tree" are normal maps.
Comments on these maps are welcome.
Blood Bash:
This map is going to be rough to play. Im happy you at least took out two players. Although without a full natural on the starting expo it is unfair for zerg. But im happy that some one finally made htis map. Many people like blood bath. (I for one, finally got sick of it and came to my senses.)
Dawn Patrol:
I like this map much more than the other one, this is good. One change I would make is: you see the expansion between the two players? to the left of that, i would make that lowered ground (forget what its called) and make a small expo there. Only because it enables a rush if you dont change it. And i dont want to just take that part of the map out. Good job on this maop though.
This is my favorite of these maps. This map is very well done. I would wither change the temple on the extreme top right corner to ruins, or change the ruins in the extreme bottom left to temple. Thats a slight problem though. This map is really good though. I like it a lot.
Porcupine tree: This map is also very good, this is right below Throne. You did a few good things that i like here. Nothing spectacualr, but still a cool map.
Sorry about the short reply. Its just that its hard to reveiw four maps well while im at school and they are in one thread. very good job anyway.
I don't like the second one.
I'm not a fan of maps where the players are clustered in one small area—it's not a very strategic way to place the starting locations.
Its very strategic. Teching while your opponent is right by you isn't going to make people think strategically? When you could be flanked by mutas at any given time while worrying about ground forces as well. And its even for both players. And this map did well putting players close together because there is no forced rush and any player could easily stop a rush.
And when you say clustered together i hope you mean that loosely.
If I remove the L-shaped solar array path there wouldnt be enough room for flanking. It may be easier to rush with the path right there, but it doesnt really give you a huge advantage.
Dont worry about it, i think its fine.