(whoops, meant 1v1 in the title, lol.
A new melee map for 2 players. Good large areas for toss' armies, choke and some cliffs for terran, mins for zerg. Tell me what you think.
Update Log:
-Gas nodes moved from nat to side expos.
-Balanced ramping somewhat for both start locations.
-Little doodad stuff.
-Closed entance at secondary ramp so it's easier to defend your base.
-Added expos next to each base at base of cliff so it's an easy expo but can still be tank cliffed/ psi stormed.
-Major shrinkage in corner islands due to the fact that they can build too much static defense after testing with LW.
-added second bridge to each base.
-widened center a teensy bit because it was too dang small before.
-changed min. patch count at certain expos so it isn't as much of a picnic to CC float and what-not.
-added extra min. patch at natural(one by ramp).
-doodad stuff( also CC float issues.)
-expos at east/west are more like expos now with extra min patch to compensate for less mins at certain 'natural' expos.
-One less min patch at island expos.
-Changed some more stuff.
-Ramp on cliff in 4-min expos.
-Water issues.