Note: I had an... "incident" so HIT REFRESH!!
Here is version 3. Flame away!
LinkyEDIT: I thought this deserved it's own topic because it really isn't the same map anymore.
Actually you should have kept the same thread, but its no big deal.
This version is better. Im happy you took out those expos. This took out alot of imbalances of the other version.
The middle is an important area, it has 2 gas and a good amount of minerals. The problem is it would be very hard to protect for any race.
Im wondering if you should change it to raised ground.
The point is that the middle expansion WILL be difficult to deffend -.-
im sure alot of people wont like its simplicity, but i like it quite a bit.
Thanks! That is one of the things I like about it, too.
yea, many of the pricky newbs on are very picky about symmetry (excluding the money map poeple)
Thanks for the responses.
At a few people suggested adding islands, but I decided against it. I didn't want them there in the first place, and a very good player (FrozenArbiter) said it would be too easy for terran to grab two early expos.
On islands? Oh, yea I see... But protoss or zerg wouldnt be more than a minute behind if they tech straight to air..