Ok I was Foolig Around With SF 1 day and i cam up w/ a defense idea!
5 people are playing
2 are Ez Defenders
2 People Are Good Defenders
1 Person is 1337 Defenders
And The Map Name Is:
Defened The D.
Defened The Units From Going to the D.
If You Do That You Win!
If there was any other map name I would name it:
D Defense 15-Way
If You Think That Is Good Tell Me!
oh no...another of those 15 (w/e) way maps? i personally dont liek them, cause there are soo much of them. plus i made a D Defense before.
and why 3 compueters? usually it is by the power of 2's.
but GL on it anyways, its part of learning. the first D i made sucked so bad, but now they are pretty nice, though i messed with too much on the sprites and w/e and now my map cause people to drop and crash SC, though they are easily fiexed.
Good luck on getting 1337 defenders who aren't just noobs. Look at Tarpit D. Whenever it is listed as experts only, total noobs join and get nothing but valks. Then they ask why the valks stop shooting.
Hmm, I hate (#) way defence maps, Why can't poeple explain more what there talking about?
Screen Shots please? BTW, I loved your map, ummm, hill d was it? That map was pro. If Defend your D is anything like that other map... Its gonna give you some big Oo points!

sounds like Tarpit Defence and Hydra Ghost Marine Archon Defence 1/2.
but good luck with it