I made a map, but it need more better balanced...
Plz test balance of my map and say what is wrong...
This map looks very interesting. It just needs a bit of editing.
I think the paths are too narrow, which would be an advantage to Terran, especially if Terran has an opponent right next to him (example: 11 and 1 o clock positions). The cliff in the middle is just begging for siege tanks with turrets. Terran can also easily get their islands, and defend with a few turrets.
And there are only 4 islands, instead of 6 (one for each) or 3 islands (shared by 2 players). I'd prefer to make only 3 islands, 6 is too much.
Good work though.
I didnt see too many doodads... but what do I know about terraining?
There is no nat. That is really bad for zerg. I guess they could take the shitload of minerals between wach group of bases. And then fortify it, but if they have an ally next to them, where does he go? You always need nats in maps. There are many other things that sound picky, like that the gas expo between red and blue can seige them, but no one cares about that stuff.
A bunch of little things like mineral placement (again very picky), and i agree with all of what death-link says.
Thnx to everyone....
Soon I will try balanced it...
I think I made map a bit more balanced: Terran cant take Islands without droping.
Passes in center More better
Terran Cant built in main exit if near position is free
Ghmmm.... I add some doodades
Pretty cool map.
I think the expansion bases that connect each of the two bases will be very competitive and will decipher who claims the victory.
Good work.
I believe the paths are still too narrow, Terran would just dominate everything. Especially in the middle, nothing could pass from the center without being hit by tanks up on the cliffs. And I think the main mineral line is in range of siege tanks that could be placed on the island expos.
Also, players at 3 and 9 o' clock (teal and purple) don't have an island expo, whereas all the others have an island right behind their main.
And don't forget, Zerg needs an early expo... If an enemy is right next to them, they will have a hard time taking the outside mineral expo.
Pust an update to your map image:[attachmentid=7876]
I see nearly no difference.
I would like to say, That blue, Has way more space then all of the other players... And blue also has better ways to defend himself.
I would like to say, That blue, Has way more space then all of the other players... And blue also has better ways to defend himself.
I dont think so... If Blue have more space than others, then The Red One will have more space too... Cause it fully (may be Almost) simmetrical...
I see nearly no difference.
I just say that I changed this map a little, not such globaly to see it on minimap
Brown is not symmetrical to orange, Look on the left side of browns base, Then look at oranges right side of his base
Orange and brown have less space than the other players.
You expansions, no offense, suck.
You should look at other pro maps and see how they setup, where and how many minerals they place in thier expos.
Alright, thnx anyways... I will try in next time =)
the bottom middle expansion should be an island, i would like this 2v2v2 but anyhting else is too unbalanced.
good attempt at a map, it's ok i guess, i just wouldn't play it