When i try to create a unit with properties (hallucination), it doesnt apply the property in game. It's as if it's just creating it without any properties... I dont know why this happens, i did the code correctly..
In order to correctly use the CUWP action in Starforge, you need to have previously created a CUWP action with another editor or use the CUWP Slot editor (I've never used this, so I don't know if it actually works). There is no "magic number" for different kinds of properties. The number you see in SF is the slot number of the properties. So what you should do is make a trigger in another editor with the properties you want, and then when you open it in SF, make a note of that number. Then you can use that number in any CUWP action to specify the same set of properties.
SCMDraft2's trigedit allows you to change the CUWP settings and choose which CUWP settings to be used in which action. Faster than using 2 different programs to do it.
So when you make your trigger, that number that you want to make the unit hallucinated, should correspond with the slot number that you are using that has the "HALLUCINATED" flags.
Scmdraft doesnt seem to be saving my unit properties.. It saves everything else... :/
Did you hit the compile button?
the one that looks like a check?
Nevermind, it is the one that looks like a check.. It's saved now xD
T_T didnt fix my problem..
Nvm, I think SCMD2 has a glitch. I will try to get back to you ASAP.
For now just use CUWP Slot Editor by Clokr_ or Do it in SCXE, sorry.
I got confused while using CUWP Slot Editor by Clokr_, and i dont wanna open the map up in scxe cuz then all my sprites will be removed messing things up for me..
You can use the SCM importer/exporter tool to save your sprites externally and then load them back. Or maybe you could even make a new map with triggers, then import the UPRP section from that into your original map.
I forgot all about that program.. Thanks for reminding me
Oh I figured it out, it's a small glitch but you can probably deal with it.
When you refer to the CUWP slot in SCMD2 trigger, you want to add one to that number.
So if you used slot 0 to have the flags set and such, you want to refer to it as slot 1 in your triggers.
I'll talk to SI about fixing it soon
For now just use CUWP Slot Editor by Clokr_ or Do it in SCXE, sorry.
Actualy, I've been having a similar problem(trying to create hallucinated units), and I've tried using this.
It doesn't seem to work.
I open the map, select "0 N/A", go through all the properties and stuff, save it, and yet nothing's been changed.
Just use SCMDraft2. Each CUWP slot is corresponding with which one it is in the list.