First of all, when you go to the home page, and on where it lists the sections, this picture pops up showing a description and a picture of a sc/bw unit. Looks pretty cool, but can you guys stop it from following your mouse? Like make it sit still when your mouse hovers through it, but not follow the mouse around. Thanks if you guys can do this.
I doubt I can. The coding is pretty intense and I'm not much of a javascript programmer xD
It'll be removed with the new site format.
There's too much JavaScript and not much CSS implemented...also, you guys should get the news outputted from the forums...easier to manage. =P
Javascript will be different later dont worry
Theres accually too much CSS that its hard for me to manage. I'm trying though.
News outputted from the forums is a maybe, I'll try, but it may not happen.
And why bother disabling the right click? Any half-decent computer user could still go in there and steal your stuff anyway. You're not stopping anyone.... just wasting everyone's time. I would like to be able to right click and "Open Link in New Window" sometimes.
Will be removed in the new site. When I was working on the site, I added it because I sometimes put stuff on that was vunerable.
Note: Its recommended that you use IE6+ with 800x600 or higher.