Basicaly The game takes place on a 100x100 maze that is big enough to build in yet small enough that you will need to expand. At the begining everyone choses their location where they will start, with a beacon. After everyone has chosen their spot the game will start and All players will spawn with a SCV and a Bunker. The Bunker is you Command Center. If it dies you lose, If your SCV dies you lose. You will then commence building and teching and attacking your enemies when you want to.
There will be many "Specail Buldings" Such as the Storage (More Minerlas / Second) or The Generals Quarters (Get a Hero). There will be limits to certain things like only one Generals Quarters per player to maximize stratagy.
- 4 Choseable Generals
- 4 Unique Spells For Each General
- 6 Players
- Team Ally System
- 100x100 playing area
- Unique Starting System
- Great Special Effects (I will say some later)
- Game Will Require Intence Stratagy
- Replayability
More To Come When I Get More Ideas
Screen Shots And Extras:
Comming Soon (Really Soon)
Post Opinions/Ideas In This Thread
All Help Is Apreciated!!!
Nice, it sounds a lot like Blizzards Bunker Command map but you really expanded on the idea.
Will you be harvesting minerals/gas or will you get income differently?
I have never herd of the Bunker Command...
You build Storage (Supply Depots) To get more minerals...
Gas will be your Generals Mana points...
The Map is in a BattleField of 100x100 grid squares. Those squares are made up into a maze and you build in there... You will NOT be able to see over walls unless you get air or use a Heros Ability...
Around the map there are some things I will call "Towers" These "Towers" Can only be accessed by air and are on High ground allowing anyone on the "Tower" to see around the area... "Towers" are great places to put tanks or turrets...
Bunker Command is a map Blizzard gave you with Broodwar. It should be in BroodWar\WebMaps\(6)BunkerCommand.scm. Check it out, it's a pretty cool map.
Is this that map you showed me a while back? It sounds really similar. It was fun, but too alike to StarCraft to really enjoy at that point.
My favorite part, thus far, about this map is the elevated terrain idea, which I won't reveal. TheOddAngel's got some über-warfare ideas in this map.
I look forward to this map's release eagerly.
This map is a Major expansion above the old one I showed you. This map will have Generals in the system I was going to do in the old one and there will be 4...
The generals are:
-Blade General (Hero Zlot)
-Bio General (Hero Hydra)
-Sniper General (Kerigran)
-Demolitions General (Jim Raynor)
NOTE: Generals Will Not Be UPGRADABLE
The terrain in this map Will Also Be GREATLY Improved.
Those little pieces have been removed to reduce the ability to defend your outposts to easily. Although I only have AIR accessable "Towers" That you can get on and see over the Walls... The "Towers" are 2x2 grid space not allowing the Beacon To be placed there. Only Turrets Are Buildable on the "Towers"
-Mineral System Almost Complete
-Terrain Complete
-Beacon Placing System Complete
-Now At 38%
Ooh, have generals be able to plant bombs at buildings. Just create a data disk or whatnot and then set a timer for 60 seconds or so, like in Call of Duty. If another player brings a... we'll say general at this point for 5 seconds, then the bomb can be disarmed.
P.S. I want to see this.
Just wondering how many players will there be?
Also is each location a bit more better than the other because of them being able to be attacked from more than one person or something?
Fu Leng,
I have no idea what u want...
I said it was 6 Players earlier and i have no clue what you ment by location?
The whole map is made so that you can litteraly build you bunker ANYWHERE and it will be no different then the rest of the map
You know what I'm sorry for wasting your time I shouldn't even be up. I'm too sick to be doing anything right now.
The Hardest part for the Map is coming up... The Heros...
So Far 1 Ability Per General.
BIO GENERAL: ToxicCloud: set ALL units (Evern ur own) in a 5x5 grid to 30% HP
BLADE GENERAL: SwordDance: Shild Constantly Set to 100% for 10 seconds
SNIPER GENERAL: Scope: Observer Target. Kill Units In a 2x2 space
DEMO GENERAL: Mine: Create 1 Spider Mine At General
Feel free to post Ideas for more abilities!!!
-Mineral System FINISHED
-Balance Issues In Progress
-Hero Selector System In Progress
-Terrain Updated With Minor Changes to Size Of Areas
You've got that old bloody problem sticking on your ass, because when you have units around you which are almost dead and you do toxic cloud they will be healed. You can't kill anyone with it, that sucks since it whould have been a good hero killer with it's large radius. But you won't be doing much about the problem...
Ow and I do hope you can't kill hero's and strong units with the scope ability!! It should only kill weak to medium units, not ultralisks/hero's/etc.
I like your map, the elevation part sounds good but I don't totaly understand it yet. Generals are fine too, but the set to X% health problem is iritating.
The strategy factor is also great. Are you going to change to standard units so it will be less like any normal starcraft game?
Ow and that bladedance skill is way to powerfull! An invincibible hero for 10 sec is way to good.
Heros will not be Overly Powerful... They cant single handedly take down a whole bace... The Scope ability will not be able to kill heros... But they can kill ANYTHING else.
if they chose to heal their troops with toxic gas be my guest... Its not like It will do much good when you could heal any units with a medic or your SCV...
All the units will be basic SC units built outa the buildings.
BladeDance doesnt make him invinceable, It will only set his shild to 100% but he will only have a shild of say... 20 so the more units u use to attack him the more damage you will do.
QUOTE(TheOddAngel @ Apr 24 2005, 09:04 PM)
Heros will not be Overly Powerful... They cant single handedly take down a whole bace... The Scope ability will not be able to kill heros... But they can kill ANYTHING else.
if they chose to heal their troops with toxic gas be my guest... Its not like It will do much good when you could heal any units with a medic or your SCV...
All the units will be basic SC units built outa the buildings.
BladeDance doesnt make him invinceable, It will only set his shild to 100% but he will only have a shild of say... 20 so the more units u use to attack him the more damage you will do.
But stil, you can kill quite some units in a 2x2 area.
So the hero will just get 20 less damage every attack ? nice
For the blade hero how about some kinda multi slash technique that kills 5 units one at a time near him.
Well....i'm not that great at coming up with spells and such but i can try. For the zealot i vote for having an explosion around him to reduce all units HP around him by say....50%. You can choose the number. There is always the create weak copies spell for zealots which i think is quite nice. Hmmm....For the rine you can make a "grenade" spell, which creates an obs or something that you can aim with, and after, say 3 seconds, it blows up in a square. The sniper should have an escape spell so it doesn't die so easy when it gets surrounded. That's all i got. Sorry man that hydra is hard to think of and i'm not that great at spells. I doubt these spells will work in a strat game but you can adjust them or whatever.
If you need a tester just message me, and best of luck to you with this map. I am looking forward to it's release. Just one thing. Please don't make the dl for this map huge because i've seen many a great tactics game fall through due to long dls.
Hey, you know what would make a cool spell for blade dance? You make an arbiter, which cloaks the hero. You have a 5x5 location, and a 1x1 location. The 1x1 location centers on a weak unit inside of 5x5 radius, and the hero "jumps" to the 1x1 location, one fancy explosion and it's dead. That'd be pretty cool to see.
QUOTE(Ultimo @ Apr 26 2005, 02:57 PM)
Hey, you know what would make a cool spell for blade dance? You make an arbiter, which cloaks the hero. You have a 5x5 location, and a 1x1 location. The 1x1 location centers on a weak unit inside of 5x5 radius, and the hero "jumps" to the 1x1 location, one fancy explosion and it's dead. That'd be pretty cool to see.
yay, one zergling dead, 2423 left
The spell whould maybe be cool but it doesn't work, instead make it teleport to an strong unit and kill that one.
Ok... Im back working on this after messing around with the terrain for
my RPG called Eternal Darkness... Although the terrain is only like 3% done
Im trying to get it really good looking.
The marine will have a Grenade spell as he is Demolitions... He will mostly have spells that can kill buildings easily but not units...
That Zlot lunge thing would be outa place because its strategic and we dont need ot just kill units like that, You need to take ur tie and use stratagy which is what sword dance does
The domolations dude is too cheap, one bomb on ur Bunker and you lose? in the beginning he can jsut stim into ur base...
The sniper could snipe ur scvs, make it so he has a certain range...
You for got a few abilities:
Halutionation, for maybe the Bio general? You can make like 3 copies of him.
Make an "shield" spell, so when you activate it, it makes ur dude invincible and creats like a defiler or something to take the hits. when it dies, your hero becomes un-invinicble.
Make a "special" class of units that have "super armor", aka, shields. i did this in oen of my maps:
you need triggers, 1 for each point of shilesd your unit has. (Or 1 per percent, but i put it 1 per 10 percent, out of 10 possible shields.) so when they are on level 0 shields, your trigegr constantly sets the shields to 0. at level one you set it to 10% of the total, so if your dude has 10 shield, it would be 1, if he has 1000, it would be 100. and you constantly keep setting it to a percentage, so that means enemies must have an higher attack to actualyl hit you. This is a REAL armor system =).
of course you can still upgraed your shields normaly to take elss damage to the shields.
No the demolitions guy cant kill the bunker... his bomb will only do around 1000 damage which will severly hurt the buildings... A supply depot has 800 hp...
I will use the idea u gave me about the Halucnation only it is called
Mind Gas...
I need more ideas for some abilities to make this game more fun