This map is based on my old (2)rusty Platform. Space terrain..
Wow that's intense symmetry right down to the dodads. This map was definitely not made in 10 minutes!
As far as the playability, it seems just as intact. Whenever I see a lot of bridges/walls, the first thing I look at is the routing and how complicated/frustrating manuevering troops would seem. Here your routing seems pretty negotiable and so I give that aspect a thumbs up.
The long wall that seperates the middle into 2 halves some ppl will like others will find annoying. As with a lot of maps details, I'd have to play or see some games to further explore this wall's value.
Also I know "good" players are supposed to be able to stop tanks from early "siege" of minerals etc, but are the 2 gas nodes siegeable from the 2 corner islands? That's frustrating for less "adept" players such as myself.
All in all decent map. Look forward to watching it evolve and further discussion/alterations.
Yea about those skinny walls... People could park tanks right behind them. And those lower platform expo sites have high cliffs and catawalks just behind the resources, again giving players the ability to park tanks and just blow the workers into pieces.
But that's just an uneducated thought

But nice map neways
You could open up the middle a little bit with a gap in the center.
ya that thin middle wall def needs to either go or be split up. great map otherwise though. I would reccomend taking the ramps off of the top right and bottom left expansions though, air expansions are good.
ya that thin middle wall def needs to either go or be split up. great map otherwise though. I would reccomend taking the ramps off of the top right and bottom left expansions though, air expansions are good.
Which expand are you talking of, those on a cliff or in low platform ?
You could open up the middle a little bit with a gap in the center.
What do you mean by a gap? Big doodad?
New screenshot too:
I think mobo means something like this:

Ok like a sort of breach... seems to be a good idea since the middle is where big battle should occurs.

trcc, good map.
I like this. Its very symmetrical (not bad in this case).
You used every terrain type, which is good.
But in your maps, you never seem to put an expansion right next to the main base (called natural). That is a good thing to do, it helps zerg players very much.
Good job.
QUOTE(Yenku @ Apr 23 2005, 08:23 PM)
trcc, good map.
I like this. Its very symmetrical (not bad in this case).
You used every terrain type, which is good.
But in your maps, you never seem to put an expansion right next to the main base (called natural). That is a good thing to do, it helps zerg players very much.
Good job.
When you are talking about natural, the expand i put near the main ( the one when you are going to middle ) isn't a natural?
Zerg can't defend their expo with sunkens placed at only one hatch, they would need to build sunkens at 2 hatches.]
EDIT: Which makes it impossible for them to win.
[quote=ihatett,Apr 24 2005, 01:18 PM]
Zerg can't defend their expo with sunkens placed at only one hatch, they would need to build sunkens at 2 hatches.]
Hmmm i tryed what u told me to, the expand are not a bit larger. I change the geyser place to not obstruct the way and to be able to build at least 2 hatchs. I also put a gaz geyser in middle tell me if i should keep it like this.
QUOTE(trcc @ Apr 23 2005, 04:26 PM)
Which expand are you talking of, those on a cliff or in low platform ?
either one, it would jsut be good to have some air only expansions on the map.
When you are talking about natural, the expand i put near the main ( the one when you are going to middle ) isn't a natural?
No, I think Naturals are usually a bit closer to the main base, and are easier to protect.
They should not need thier own set of defense or have multiple ways to get to them.
Sorry, my SCM>jpeg converter isnt working, you should post a screen shot of the new version.
Added a natural... tell me if there's too much expand 11 gaz all over.
Since that expansion is easily guarded, you should just make it a mineral-only, and I cant see if its 5 or 6, but 6 minerals would be good.
And since theres quite an abundance of map, might I suggest removing a couple of bridges? More specifically, Im talking about the 3-bridge sets. Top-right most on the left side, and bottom-most bridge on the right side.
I like some of the improvements done to the map.
And I just noticed that access point to that expos gas.

I won't take off the gas cuz this will disadvantage zergs, i also removed the bridge getting to the center, and i made the change you told me to do. For the smiles, is it good or not ??? You can notice that i made an expand that u need air to get on. Tell me if these changes are good/not balanced/not balanced !
I like the natural placement. Maybe instead of taking out gas, take out some mins instead.
BTW, I dont know if I mentioned it earlier, but this map is pretty cool.
cool, i did not see that there, thanks entropy.

thanks entropy
looks like they had some good things to say, maybe ill post there to help you.