Staredit Network

Staredit Network -> Concepts -> A anti BSW/map hack revolution
Report, edit, etc...Posted by scwizard on 2005-04-23 at 11:03:14
I was looking at mini mosse's 13+ experimentation page. And I came across P33. It crashed sad.gif.
I guess it's outdated. Well I was frustrated, so I tired P161, and at first I thought it had the effects of P33. But only kind of.
What I figured out was that when you type in "black sheep wall" in a single player game with P161, units owned by P161 will attack you, as well as each other. It is the ultimate FFA player that Moose was talking about in his description of P33. The weird thing is this only happens when someone types in black sheep wall.

This means that this is a new way of stoping black sheep wall. All you need to do is:
Preplace 2 marines owned by P161 in a deserted section of the map.
Players = All players
Conditions: P161 brings atmost 1 marine to "deserted section of the map"
Actions: Display text: "CHEATING IS BAD FOR YOU HP!"
Actions: End scenario in defeat for human players.

If they type in Black Sheep wall, then the marines kill each other, and everyone looses.
Another system is to make everyone in the town invincible and owned by P161. Then if the person types in "black sheep wall" the town will get mad at the players and begin to attack them.

Of course, a system this perfect comes with a draw back. Random start locations is on, and you can't turn it off. Except it's more like super random start locations, because you might assume the the position of an inactive player. This might hinder maps that wish to use this a bit.

An example map will be up in a bit.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Carlsagan43 on 2005-04-23 at 11:36:21
I think this should be a tutorial
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mini Moose 2707 on 2005-04-23 at 11:47:27
Black sheep wall was already stoppable without use of any extended players. Place a unit with a ranged attack somewhere, and put another unit on high ground nearby. If you cheat, it'll die.

BUT, you should check if a map hack will make P161 kill each other. THEN you have stumbled on something major.

Anyway, I'm glad my research still helped someone. Maybe one day I will update it. tongue.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by scwizard on 2005-04-23 at 14:00:01
The only problem is, I don't have a map hack (and I can, but don't want to get one) So I need someone to test this for me. Will you do the honors Moose?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mini Moose 2707 on 2005-04-23 at 18:59:03
I don't have any either, you'd have to ask Deathknight.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by O)FaRTy1billion on 2005-04-23 at 19:41:41
The high ground thing doesn't work. Tried it. Only stops Black Sheep Wall. Who uses single player? it messes up your maps...

I put a high square with an arbiter, and a cannon for each player. Then I turned map hack on. I could click and see the unit (I used the square terrain so it was 0 tiles away). I click Attack; "Unit out of range".
Report, edit, etc...Posted by scwizard on 2005-04-23 at 21:22:49
Umm, yup we know that. This is using P161, not high ground. We need someone to see if this stops map hacks becuase high ground doesn't.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Deathknight on 2005-04-23 at 23:17:57
Deathknight didn't download one of those "new" map hacks. :/

Don't use extended players for an anti-map hack. Use some wacky combination of a unit and set doodad state.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by LegacyWeapon on 2005-04-24 at 00:50:54
Extended players suck for Mac users and disabled units work just fine tongue.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by scwizard on 2005-04-24 at 10:08:01
But then you need to view the area with the disabled unit. And that means if you exspore it with a flying unit, then the game crashes. If you exspore the area with P161, they don't attack each other. They only attack each other if BSW is typed in. Also, I think only players 13-28 (the ones that aren't actually real players) crash macs. The exstened play I'm using you can use as a player in a trigger, so it's more of a real player and less of a living glitch.

Report, edit, etc...Posted by Deathknight on 2005-04-24 at 10:42:53

When the hell were players 29-256 part of the game?

On top of that, macs don't "crash", they have different effects as the PC, therefore dropping the two from each other. Some players crash for macs, some don't.

And can you explain how a PLAYER stops a map hack? Because I'll tell you now that it won't. The only way is to use those crashing methods.

But then you need to view the area with the disabled unit. And that means if you exspore it with a flying unit, then the game crashes.

That's why you develop a system. Make some large grid on the map with large squares. Now make two triggers for each square.

Change: If a terran used scanner sweep somewhere, he could crash. So I added an anti-crash for that(Switch).

Bring nothing, enable anti-maphack.
¤ Anyone.
¤ Bring Force 1 at most 0 any unit to 'grid square 1'.
¤ Bring Computer player at most 0 unit to 'grid square 1'.
¤ Switch 1 is clear.
¤ Create 1 unit(that you will use for anti-maphack) at 'grid square 1' for computer player.
¤ Disable doodad state for unit owned by computer player at 'grid square 1'.
¤ Preserve trigger.

Bring something, disable anti-maphack.
¤ Anyone.
¤ Bring Force 1 at least 1 any unit to 'grid square 1'.
¤ Bring Computer player at least 1 unit to 'grid square 1'.
¤ Switch 1 is clear.
¤ Remove 1 unit(that you will use for anti-maphack) at 'grid square 1' for computer player.
¤ Preserve trigger.

Own a comsat station, disable anti-maphack.
¤ Anyone.
¤ Command Force 1 at least 1 Comsat Station.
¤ Switch 1 is clear.
¤ Set Switch 1.
¤ Remove all unit(that you will use for anti-maphack) for computer player.
¤ Preserve trigger.

If a comsat station is destroyed or their CC is lifted, re-enable anti-maphack.
¤ Anyone.
¤ Command Force 1 at most 0 Comsat Station.
¤ Switch 1 is set.
¤ Clear Switch 1.
¤ Preserve trigger.

So obviously the "squares" are super huge for the center to be out of vision range of any unit near the edges of the location. You don't need a lot of these "squares" either. So basically, you copy the first two triggers for every square you have, and add the last two triggers. Since addons are given to player 12 when not attached, this should work. It's also a good idea to re-enable the anti-map hack when no comsat station is detected because they can be destroyed, or maybe the person lifts his CC. It just makes it more of an anti-maphack.

Also, I have to suggest that you not "only" have an anti-map hack, but various other anti-hacks. Example: Floating drone hack, stats hack, etc.

There are many other hacks that are almost impossible to counter with triggers as well.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Doodle77(MM) on 2005-04-24 at 17:12:17
well still, this only requires one trigger. and who knows? mabye it will still work on macs
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Deathknight on 2005-04-24 at 18:06:35
I still don't know what you're talking about. Players do not stop map hacks. Units stop map hacks.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by scwizard on 2005-04-24 at 18:49:46
Ok, so there are other ways. But this is a new way, and it needs to be tested. For some reason Black Sheep Wall made units owned by P161 suddenly attack each other. I still need to know if the same thing happens for map hacks.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Deathknight on 2005-04-24 at 19:00:32
It doesn't. The cheat and a map hack are two different things designed for the same purpose. Even IF Player 161 just suddenly unallied itself because one was using a map hack, that one person would be dropped from the game because player 161 would still be allied on every other machine. What I'm looking at is new patches, and mac computers. Your map will not be compatible with macs AND will be obsolete after a new patch. Do you ALSO realize Player 161 affects the scores and supply counts of other players regardless of what unit you place?

Maybe player 161 is NOT unallying, maybe it requires YOUR vision to be able to see itself? Have you tested that? Map hacks do not give a player "vision" of an area, it just forcefully reveals the map, but registers as "You don't see that".
Report, edit, etc...Posted by ShadowBrood on 2005-04-25 at 02:01:37
Yeah, I was just about to say it gives an effect like a transparent fog of war, because I didn't read all the way down and then before posting I saw DK's post.

What would really be cool is if a player could detect when a mod or hack is working in the background and unally you or something. Any program working with SC in the background really. That would be interesting.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by scwizard on 2005-04-25 at 09:53:05
I'm not sure quite how P161 works. The thing about it requiring your vision to see itself is false. It's been tested. DK is right, it might not work with a map hack, but we should still test it just in case. He is also right that the side effects would probably outweigh the costs.
As the subtitle of this thread says "Well, maybe at least, it's worth a shot"

So basically I know it's flawed, but I still want someone to stop making exsuces and test it with a map hack. For someone who already has one, it will just take two seconds, so what's the big deal?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Deathknight on 2005-04-25 at 16:24:24
What would really be cool is if a player could detect when a mod or hack is working in the background and unally you or something. Any program working with SC in the background really. That would be interesting.

That's impossible. Unless the hack or mod modified data around the player alliance section, then it's impossible.

In 1.11b, player 161's alliance to itself would be in the location section, where all locations are stored. I sent you a link to what you're looking for.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by -BW-Map_God on 2005-04-25 at 17:00:40
Or you could just have a ban player option for the host and they could ban someone if they were obviously hacking.. though no doubt that would be abused and they'd just ban people they were losing too, lol.

There is apparently some sort of hack that tells people if you allie/unallie with you and auto unallies you if they unallie that I've seen some people use in Diplo games before so it might not be so impossible to detect someone hacking.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by scwizard on 2005-04-25 at 17:19:23
TILESET DEPENDENCY ALERT: The effects of P161 are dependent on the tileset, so... Basically I need to do more testing.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Deathknight on 2005-04-25 at 17:24:55
so it might not be so impossible to detect someone hacking.

Most hacks, including this one, can be stopped with very simple triggering.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by axblader on 2005-04-25 at 17:28:13
uh oh, hopefully it works on badlands and jungle, since from my experince, those are the most used.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Deathknight on 2005-04-25 at 17:30:28
As I've stated before, extended players are not the answer to anti-hacking.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by scwizard on 2005-04-25 at 17:35:29
Neither is your method. It just plain doesn't work if you use a comstat station. In the triggers you detailed, you said that if they had a comstat station then the anti hack was disabled.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Deathknight on 2005-04-25 at 18:52:08
Disabled until the comsat was not owned by players 1-8. It would work perfectly to stop a map hack. Sometimes the terran player won't get a comsat. And Protoss/Zerg players don't get comsats. It works perfectly because A) the hacker won't know that it is disabled when a comsat is detected and B) even if they knew, they would find it hard to use a map hack anyway because no terran=no comsat, or the opposing player could destroy the comsat.

Either way, this method is the best. Compatibility > censored.gif ed-anti-map-hack-involving-extended-players.
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