QUOTE(warhammer40000 @ Apr 23 2005, 08:08 PM)
*warhammer40000 bows down to the map
Thats awesome! I dont see any unbalences. I mean, of course there are air/ground advantages, but without them, itd be a money map. Man, i love this map. Great Job!
I could just imagine a big battle.... Like, everyne fighting over the middle, atacks, yadada.... i love this map...
Why are you bowing down to it? Because it looks good?
What the hell do you mean by,
of course there are air/ground advantages, but without them, itd be a money map
This make zero sense to me.
I dislike the mineral setup. You did a poor job on mineral/gas placement on this map.
There is no need for so many doodads (they are blocking bridge anyway).
Oddangel, it seems like you went for just symmetry, cool little thin walls, and scattered expansions. You should worry less about beauty and more about balance/gameplay.