Another map made of boredom, everything on this map is Symetrical.

there is too much wrong with it, quite frankly
though it sounds weird, don't copy blizzard maps because they all suck
I'm not trying to be rude, I wouldn't expect anyone to be good at making maps without playing the game beyond blizz maps
Good luck with your future maps

lol, i told you i was bored, i wasnt trying to make a very good map...
and where did you get the idea i was copying a blizz map?
I guess youre aiming for another style of gameplay, since all bases have only 5 mineral nodes each. Frankly, I dont like how the expansions are set up. I have no suggestions to offer.
Dont make a melee map out of boredom, 90% of the time they suck.
This map isnt terrible though. Ihatett did he copy a map?
I don't think he stole a blizzard map, or made a few tiny changes, but it looks a lot like their style. In fact, there is one that is a lot like this. I'll find it in a bit.
I should have said "emulate", not copy, becuase in other posts he using blizzard maps to justify his
Meh, i can't find it. it was a 6-8 player map I think.
Still, in general that is good advice: don't look to blizzard maps for good traits in maps.
Come to think of it, that is much thier style.
Trance, this is one of the better ones you posted on Staredit.
Yes, This map WAS made by blizzard...
Maybe some one should report him to the MP clan... Or to you yoshi...Or Isolated Purity...?
I couldn't find that map in the maps folder. Where is it? Even if he did make it, the reason I made that comment was because I remember a map almost exactly like it.
OoOoOoOoOo.... busted...
Sorry Ive always wanted to say that

Puni could not prove that the map came from blizzard or any other website as stolen. Thus, he has been suspended for 3 days for falsifying information.
don't mean to be mod sucking up or anything but i searched through every blizz map and found no map called (6) Cages.
Woah, Yoshi, who got suspended? Puni? Or was it Trance?
This is the map I was thinking of:

By the way, Puni obviously took the map and changed it because 1: there is a typo in the scenario properties and 2: it doesn't have the tirggers it says it has.
How did you get a pic like that?
yea, thats much different. Who made that?
I think its very unbalanced.
Puni, why would you do that? Thats not cool man. You obviously made that up. It does have a typo, your right Ihatett.
Blizzard did it Yenku. It was meant for ffa games which play out very diffrently from melee or one on one games, thus the stratagy is very diffrent and balance is less of an issue (due to the fact no one plays ffa's for bragging rights). They were all simply for fun. Back then, if you wanted to play competetivly you got on the ladder (sorry to patronise you, just making it perfectly clear).
If it were up to me he would have been banned months ago for making worthless posts, telling people he saw their map on another site, but couldn't remember the name; and then posting a bunch of pro maps he changed the names of and added credit to himself. Not only is he a plague to the community, he's also incredibly thick, as he often makes mistakes (such as the typo) and his maps are downright pathetic. Sorry for this little rant but common, we could have used some modderation in these forums.
Most people here dont understand the concept that not EVERYMAP is balanced, some are unbalanced on purpose, to get a different style of gameplay. LIke say an expert zerg player would find it interesting and skill building to play on a map that sucks for zerg. Maps arent made to be perfect for all races. Its war you know, and when war happens, it can happen anywhere, not on terrain that makes every side balanced either. If you dont like maps because they are unbalanced then thats too bad, you are gonna miss out on alot of good maps. But templar, you seem to be able to understand this concept...
And i STILL dont know what i have done to Puni to make him do something like that......
no map is made intentionally imbalanced
psycho, I'm not sure what you mean... blizzard did not make the map that puni posted
it's just that the blizzard map making team sucks ass... they have made one balanced map
it's just that the blizzard map making team sucks ass... they have made one balanced map
What map is that? I hope your not talking about LT. (If you are then you are wrong)
The only good versions of LT are the WCG, PGT, Tost, Gamei, etc.
Most people here dont understand the concept that not EVERYMAP is balanced, some are unbalanced on purpose, to get a different style of gameplay. LIke say an expert zerg player would find it interesting and skill building to play on a map that sucks for zerg. Maps arent made to be perfect for all races. Its war you know, and when war happens, it can happen anywhere, not on terrain that makes every side balanced either. If you dont like maps because they are unbalanced then thats too bad, you are gonna miss out on alot of good maps. But templar, you seem to be able to understand this concept...
Your dead wrong. Notice how this isn't really war. Its a video game. Its not fun, or challenging if its not balanced.
Also, have you ever seen a pro map? They are all completely balanced.
If unbalanced maps were good there would be 5 million (literally) pro map makers out there.
psycho, I'm not sure what you mean... blizzard did not make the map that puni posted
I meant the map you posted, Yenku seemed confused =/
This one here. I don't want to go in depth with this (because it's off topic) but when you play an ffa in StarCraft there are usually two types of people playing: Rational people who want to end up being the winner and suicide players who just want to be agents of chaos (nothing wrong with that, it's still fun). Rational people will generally build up gradually, often boosting economy first if they don't suspect they will be the victum of a suicide player. Grabing a few expansions and then slowly killing and taking other peoples expansions. Thus, open start locations aren't as big a problem as they may seem in ffa games.
As for unbalanced maps, I'd say yes if they met these two conditions. A) There is no money on the table. B) All races can still do a lot of neat things with the map, not just one race being able to do everything while the other races just sit there and take it. Though I still probably wouldn't play them as often I don't think they're tottally worthless.
Just answering a few questions.
I never really played FFA, I dont think I ever will. I like 1v1 the best. Recently though I played 4 ppl team melees 2v2 with my friends