1) ModifyUnitResourceAmount(); -- Starforge always sets the NewValue to null (at least, what it seems).
2) "Move to Top," "Move Up," "Move Down," and "Move to Bottom" don't work... but I guess I just didn't read the documentation.
3) Selecting multiple triggers at once does essentially nothing... Copying and deleting only does so to the last entry highlighted, and then the highlight disappears.
That is all.
Yes, they do get annoying in the long run ¬_¬
These (except maybe for 1) are just glossy conviences that will be adde dwhenever Heim feels like it, but not terribly important to the functionality of thr program.
also..the createunitwithproperties do not actually add properties, we're forced to go to scxe or something to add in burrowed or cloaked or w/e
Actually you can just select an existing CUWP slot. And just edit the slot stats to fit your needs (which I'm pretty sure you can't do through SF).
chu we're talking about sf..not scmd2 just in case thats what you had in mind...

I never mentioned SCMDraft 2 in my post. Though now that you bring it up, you can edit and set the CUWP slots in SCMDraft 2. But with SF you need to use 2 programs.
QUOTE(Mp)Sniper @ Apr 24 2005, 02:14 PM)
also..the createunitwithproperties do not actually add properties, we're forced to go to scxe or something to add in burrowed or cloaked or w/e
This is rather known and irrelevant.