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Staredit Network -> UMS Production -> [ Transgressed Time ]
Report, edit, etc...Posted by UBCS on 2005-04-24 at 18:36:55
[center][ Transgressed Time ][/center]
[center](...the time beholder)[/center]
[center][ Side Notes: ]
This map is an official's Map Making Team Production. This map is directed by: Mp)3D and l)ark2004. It will be very unqiue from other rpg's as you will read below. Original idea by: Mp)3D, storyline extended into a full story by l)ark2004. This is a team effort map.[/center]

[center][ Introduction: ]
This RPG is single player. It will include many advanced systems as you will read below. The credits will be presented at the bottem of this thread and will be updated apon recruitment of new helpers too the map. No person(s) are allowed to help in the map that arn't in SMT,'s official thread. If you would like too be apart of this map, please contact me or l)ark2004. As writers for the map, we plan too mostly be doing the writing over the actual physical work. However, for now we will be working on full efforts untill more members join.[/center]

[center][ Storyline: ][/center]
It was many, many years ago. There was a young boy at the age of 8. He had heard many stories about the caves inside the abandoned forest. But, the elder’s forbid children to enter. But, that would not stop Nedus. He was determined to find out if things were as the other said. There was said to be an old man of the woods who you used to live in the city that slowly became dark and evil. Soon enough this man was shunned from society and eventually ran into the wilderness. Well, little did Nedus know that he was about to embark on a journey that would change his life.

It was very late at night when Nedus left his small home. And there were many dark animals that roamed the empty streets of Raldo. But, Nedus was too focused on proving that there was no old man in the woods. Nedus crept through the muddy ground and ascended a steep grade t come across the outskirts of the town. There were 2 sentries patrolling just outside the Outpost. If Nedus is to get caught, he will be punished severely by the elder’s. He was going to take that risk.

As Nedus passes the sentries, he came across a tree that was enormous. It had some kind of fruit in it. Nedus attempts to grab one but realizes he is too short, so, he presses forward. As Nedus ventures farther and farther into the forest, Nedus begins hearing faint noises in the distance. Nedus begins walking much more rapidly as he hears the bushes crackle behind him. Then there was a large cracking noise behind him. As if something had just eaten a human. The crunching gradually got louder, Nedus began running as fast as he could. But, before Nedus was able to get away there was a loud **~~CRACK~~-**.

Nedus awakes in a dark, cold, and wet cave. He could here the drops of water hitting the dank ground. One by one each drop got louder and louder, reverberating in his mind. He slowly stands up from his groggy feeling. Nedus begins to walk, he doesn’t know which way he was going, except his feet were taking him deeper into the cave. As if there was an uncontrollable urge for him to continue into this dark chamber. As he continues walking deeper and deeper into the Cave, he sees a flicker of light. He begins to tremble in fear from the stories of the old man in the woods. He tries to stop, but his feet keep taking him farther into the cave. As he rounds a corner a room full of light comes into array. The room was lit up by candle’s and torches. He ventures into the room, his body moving monotonously into the cavern. He sees old pictures of people he had never seen before. As he picks up a picture an old, shrilled voice calls out.

“I have been expecting you!” said the creature. Startled Nedus jumps and tries to run. But, there was nothing he could do the creature had him by the wirst and showed no signs of relinquishing him. Nedus closes his eyes and begins to cry. “I am sorry. The older boys told me you were out here.” “I didn’t believe them so I cam here” “And…and…and….” Cried Nedus. “Silence little one, I shall not hurt you. I am pleasured you came all this way to see me. It is very late you know?” “What would such a little boy lie you be doing all the way out here? Hhhmmm….” “I just wanted to see if you were real!” “Well, am I?” As the creature said those words Nedus could see some sort of flickering in his eyes. As if he was being possessed. Then before Nedus knew there was a large flash.

..Nedus awakes too find that he is now a young man. He finds himself wrangled in the woods he just seconds ago, or what felt like seconds ago, adventured. No more were there colorful tree's..No longer was the sun peacefull, it almost seemed like he was in a different world.. Scared and confused, Nedus searches the woods eager too get home and explain too his family what had happend. When ariving too his once peaceful town he relizes it is no longer peaceful. Instead it is a wasteland of cruel and foul smelling beasts. He doesn't know what to do..he is confused, bitter, and cold...

...This is were you take off

[center][ Conclusion: ]
Basicly, in a briefer way too explain what happends you were a chosen one, one who would eventually stop the dark lord from taking over the world. To prevent this, he has ordered you too be swept into the future, 20 years of you not there..Now at the age of 28, Nedus must find a way too get back too his old time and stop the chaos before it ever started. He incounters many quests and seeks his past that he missed...[/center]

[center][ Items: ][/center]

  • Azora Ore: Heals +10

  • Vesperon Potion: Creates 2 clones too fool enemies

  • Gold: Used too buy goods

  • Fish: +10 Energy / Good for selling

*Much more Items are under debate, please check back soon.

[center][ Towns: ]

Here i will list some of the features the towns will have...[/center]

  • Kingdom (To request from the king and queen)

  • Inn's (To increase health and energy)

  • Potion Shops (For all your spell needs)

  • Barracks (For upgraded armor and strength)

  • Trade Centers (Too trade items and goods)

  • Quests (To gain money)

  • More features soon, please check back in.

[center][ Features: ][/center]

  • Advanced spell selection system

  • Advanced "backpack" item selection system

  • Advanced Computer Allie Command System

  • Advanced Stamina System

  • Advanced Energy and Upgrade System

  • Unique Quests and Random Missions System

  • Detailed Towns with Random Communication Quotes

  • Computer Partners

  • Fishing and Trade System

  • Skill Level System

  • Much more systems coming soon...

[center][ Udates: ]
High has joined the team as a trigger scripter.

Started working on the trailer. It will be based on the storyline that you read above.

Finally discussed the systems that are going too be used in this map. Got the storyline posted publicly and are begining too recruit SMT members to the project.

[center][ Screen shots: ]
None at the momment...[/center]

[center][ Trailor: ]
In Progress...[/center]

[center][ Progress: ]
The Map is Currently 2% Done[/center]

[center][ Credits: ]
Original Idea: Mp)3D
Storyline: Mp)3D and l)ark2004
Terrain: (not started yet, N/A)
Quests: Mp)3D l)ark2004
Advanced spell selection system: (not started yet, N/A)
Advanced "backpack" item selection system: (not started yet, N/A)
Advanced Computer Allie Command System: (not started yet, N/A)
Advanced Stamina System: (not started yet, N/A)
Advanced Energy and Upgrade System: (not started yet, N/A)
Unique Quests and Random Missions System: (not started yet, N/A)
Detailed Towns with Random Communication Quotes: (not started yet, N/A)
Computer Partners: (not started yet, N/A)
Fishing and Trade System: (not started yet, N/A
Skill Level System: (not started yet, N/A)
Testers: (N/A)
[center]Click the green icon too view our official member list[snapback]195683[/snapback][/center]

[center]An official SEN Production.[/center]
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Felagund on 2005-04-24 at 18:46:31
I didn't read every detail but it does sound rather good.

Advanced "backpack" item selection system: (not started yet, N/A)
Advanced "backpack" item selection system: (not started yet, N/A)

P.S. You repeated yourself.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by UBCS on 2005-04-24 at 18:47:44
QUOTE(aE-Felagund @ Apr 24 2005, 05:46 PM)
I didn't read every detail but it does sound rather good.
P.S. You repeated yourself.

Thank you for pointing that out. Sorry for the glich...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Sikas on 2005-04-24 at 18:59:43
Sounds REALLY nice.. I haven't noticed too many people completing maps nowadays.. I'm kinda upset. disgust.gif angry.gif mad.gif ranting.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by TheOddAngel on 2005-04-24 at 19:24:46
So no one can help out only members on the SMT?
Anyway can we suggest quests and stuff? Or do we jsut get to site here
and wonder when it will be done...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by UBCS on 2005-04-24 at 19:39:46
Seggestions are open. But you cannot be apart of the map unless your in SMT. So basicly you can give pointers and advice, just dont expect too be reconized for it like a SMT member would.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Zergling[SK] on 2005-04-25 at 13:30:18
Hmm that seems a bit odd, even if we aren't official, we should get atleast some appreciation for an idea that we give and you use it. Um I'm guessing that only SMT members are going to test, and that this map won't be done for a good long time.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by arglebosters on 2005-04-25 at 13:38:44
No, we get recognision, but not as much as they do.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by UBCS on 2005-04-25 at 13:44:57
Oh i miss typed what i said aboved..What i ment was at the end of the map it rolls through a list of credits such as stuff like: Terrain by: blah Triggers by: blah. Stuff like that, and what i was saying don't expect your name too be on the credits because it only goes too the general person who did that part of the map. Depending on how good the idea is i may include a little credit really depends on how much we enjoy the idea. If this project goes over really smooth i may have like a channel were you can go once a week too test the updates depending on how active we are. Right now the official team for this project consists of me, l)ark2004, and Triggamasta. I am currently working on the trailor and im around 20% done. Hopefully i will finish today seeing i got up too 9 hours too work on the map today. Please feel free too leave seggestions and idea's here. Please come back and check for updates too.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Urmom(U) on 2005-04-25 at 17:29:11
could i perhaps help testing when you need it or is it too early to start that?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by UBCS on 2005-04-25 at 17:56:33
At this momment it is too early, were still recruiting for this production. Perhaps in a week or two.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Forsaken on 2005-04-25 at 18:26:38
Well, things are rather hard for me right now. I have a lot schooling and personl matters in front of me. But, I will help as much as 3D needs me to. But, like I said, if I am not posting in here all of the time, it is because I am busy with life outside of SC. I will try as hard as I can to post in here. Also, the map is the most important part. The thread is here to get people intersted. tongue.gif Have Fun!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by slayer766 on 2005-04-25 at 18:45:42
Ohh man you certainly got me interested in your guys' map. From all the specific details on the storyline. Nice job Mp)3D Your the best once it comes to storylines. And about a life outside SC you said that you had, I don't have one of those... But anyways Mp)3D and others who are and will be working on this map I wish the best of luck to you all. Also Mp)3D I am looking forward to the (trailor) once you finish it and eveyrone sees how the map will be they will get even more interested with it. So good luck and don't quit on this map. biggrin.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by UBCS on 2005-04-25 at 18:48:32
Well you can thank Dark for that storyline..see i gave the basic storyline and he went into GREAT details. The original (my version) was only a paragraph long. He made it so much better, really he is a better writer then me. Im happy that you guys are excited i started on trailor today but im going too restart it becuz half way through i incountered a great glich :S.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by slayer766 on 2005-04-25 at 18:54:26
QUOTE(Mp)3D @ Apr 25 2005, 05:48 PM)
Well you can thank Dark for that storyline..see i gave the basic storyline and he went into GREAT details.  The original (my version) was only a paragraph long.  He made it so much better, really he is a better writer then me.  Im happy that you guys are excited i started on trailor today but im going too restart it becuz half way through i incountered a great glich :S.

Oh sorry bout that Dark. Great job on the storyline then to Dark mostly since he made the GREAT details. That sucks really bad Mp)3D that you trailor had a great glitch in it. Well hope once you get halfway through your restarted trailor you don't have any problems. biggrin.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by TheOddAngel on 2005-04-25 at 19:13:49
I was one of the first to tryout for the SMT but everyone looks right
over my name pretending im not there... Its really anoying...

Also I wont be giving any Ideas because im sure you people on the SMT will come up with stuff on your own
Report, edit, etc...Posted by UBCS on 2005-04-25 at 19:17:21
QUOTE(TheOddAngel @ Apr 25 2005, 06:13 PM)
I was one of the first to tryout for the SMT but everyone looks right
over my name pretending im not there... Its really anoying...

Also I wont be giving any Ideas because im sure you people on the SMT will come up with stuff on your own

If you want too join SMT contact BeeR_KeG.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by UBCS on 2005-04-25 at 21:48:09
QUOTE(m.r.bob @ Apr 25 2005, 08:39 PM)
To beer_keg: Sorry about being so late, my map auditioning for a triggerer spot on the SEN mapmaking team will be in by the end of the week, at the very, very most. It will most likely be in tommrow. It's an RPG trigger set, so you might find it very useful if you want to make something like it.

(It would be in today, but I was having trouble making cloaked beacons as a reult of not reading pinned threads. pinch.gif In retrospect, I shouldn't have bothered.)

Posted in the wrong thread. pinch.gif

Try too stay ontopic PM him about this kind of stuff.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by scwizard on 2005-04-25 at 21:59:07
Sounds like a nice map. When is the planned releace date aprox? Also, I'ld be glad to help out with that "advanced spell system."
What kind of system do you have in mind?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by UBCS on 2005-04-25 at 22:05:41
QUOTE(m.r.bob @ Apr 25 2005, 08:59 PM)
Sounds like a nice map. When is the planned releace date aprox? Also, I'ld be glad to help out with that "advanced spell system."
What kind of system do you have in mind?

Not sure on the date it will come out yet..too early in the project.
a big veriaty in spells that you can use anywhere in the map. You can purchase them in each town too.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by .matrix//Merovingian on 2005-04-26 at 00:10:33
This sounds like a masterpiece in the works here; even though not much has been done yet, I see much potential here. I wish the best of luck to all people working on this project, and I hope that everything will be done in a timely manner. I could contribute some minor things and make suggestions, but I can't really do much, seeing as I'm not an SMT member... Once again, good luck on this project.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Forsaken on 2005-04-26 at 01:06:28
Thank you for those kind words. Those little things will keep SMT motivated. And once we get some viable information about the map, such as screenshot's, item review, system review... etc.... Things will begin to move much faster.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by UBCS on 2005-04-26 at 01:10:32
If you havn't read the updates, high has just joined as a trigger scripter.

[center]This is our official "member list" thread. Here you will view who is on the project and what they do.

Please also view our official thread it will have much information on the progress of the map.



Trigger Scripters:

Terrain Designers:

If you are interested in being part of this map please contact Mp)3D or l)ark2004. There are open positions in the terrain and triggering aspact. Please also feel free to post segestions for the map and idea's. This map was approved by BeeR_KeG and LW.[/center]
Report, edit, etc...Posted by TRiGGaMaSTa on 2005-04-26 at 10:09:45
Okay cool... When do I begin?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Felagund on 2005-04-26 at 12:42:32
Mp)3D you've been unbanned from our channel, and you will continue to be unbanned if you don't come in there insulting and/or threatening us. Kudos.
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