By Oo.CroniC.oO (aka LaPs)
Players : 2
Terrain : Desert
Age time : modern life style
Map Type : Tactical Warfare
StoryLine : You are in a base in the southeastern part of the desert. The word has it that a fellow base has been attacked and is expecting survivors. You and a fellow partner were assigned to scout and see for any troubles in the desert. Well things get more complicated from there, you and your friend encounter many dangerous enemies that have been suspected from the base that has recently been destroyed. Well your enemies are dumb enough to be wandering in the desert. Your mission now is to find the abandoned base and find survivors. If you do this then your mission is successful. There will be more missions then you might no....
Charecters :
The main charecters are Phillip and Roger. Phillip is a general in the army and Roger is a private. You each have weapons, such as switch to pistol and main gun and so on. Iv made it so it makes ur health is what your other weapons are so like if you switch to a pistol you will have the same health as the other gun. Other charecters are General Brigadeer John. He will be your supervisor in your mission.
Special Features :
Grenade System
Auto Aim System
Ammo System
Weapon System
PMN Mines
and plenty more
This is part of of UUB Productions and Clan Oo's map....
UUB is a production many ppl dont know about. if you want more info just ask here