Okay, this is my newest map, the size is...192x96
Here's a picture of it...
I'm still working on it, basically final testing for me to see if I want to change anything.
So far I have the following.
4 Player Starts, 10 Minerals spots each, 1 gas.
2 Major Subs for each player, 12 Minerals spots each, 1 gas.
1 GIGANTIC area of minerals in the middle. It has...
-23 Gas Spots
-88 Mineral Spots.
-Place for 4 Command Centers/Nexus/Hatcheries, AT LEAST. That's what I planned, Computer seems to want differently =P
Anyway. Thats what it is so far. Any suggestions or anything, please tell.
NOTE: In the map, it MAY seem like the middle subs are connected...THEY ARE NOT! There is a TINY TINY line of Tar between the bases that seperate them!
The image isnt showing =/ you have to right click on it, and hit View Image or whatever.