I was inspired by the movie (and re-reading the books) to make a SC 'campaign' about Douglas Adam's "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy".
It's more like a series of short RPG maps as you guide Arthur Dent through the strange galaxy he's been dumped into.
Planned features:
- Item System
- Towel System
- A Storyline
- Puzzles
And, well... here's the trailer I made.
- Filesize: 36KB
- Players: 3. [1 comp, 2 humans]
- Total length: Roughly 4 minutes.
- Author: Me
- Special thanks to: Warhammer40000
One of the human player slots is a download slot. If you're in it when the map starts, you'll be bored to tears.
Comments, questions, feeback?
... Please?
EDIT: Added updated version of the trailer. For some reason, there's a bug with some of the text when protected with Proedit. Oh well, I assume no one would want to steal it.