Hi, I'm new here and I like this site already. Nice look, good stuff, and hopefully good people
I'm not new to starcraft, though I usually fudge my ladder games like 15 minutes into the round. Ah well, I hope you'll like the maps I will submit here.
Welcome to Staredit Network.
Welcome to Staredit.net
hello Hofodomo!
would you like an acid bath?
(Its a staredit.net custom to give weird things to new members.)
o yea, i forgot, LEAVE AND NEVER COME BACK!!! AGH!
Welcome to SEN, Hofodomo!!
"'ello there mate. Would yeh like some fish n' chips? I'm chinky but am also a Yank. NEways, enjoy yer stay at Hotel Staredit. And if anyone's givin' you a hard time, just heave'em down to my siggy and give'm a good talkin' to, unless they look like a giant dinosaur with a gun, or a keg, or a bolthead, or a moose with one of those caution signs, or a guy who’s high, or a guy who puts limes and kiwis in one basket, or looks like an ankh."
OR welcome, if you like that better.
Welcome to Homestarrunner.com.... I mean, Staredit.net.
QUOTE(pekkel_the_duck @ May 5 2005, 10:58 PM)
I'm chinky
hey, me too! but im also a canuck...dunno if that's frowned upon down in these places
What do these things mean?
Hello, Welcome to SEN!
Would you like a juicy
Rotten Apple
Welcome to our bubble online.