Staredit Network

Staredit Network -> UMS Production -> Hell
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Jordan on 2005-05-07 at 15:40:02
You have been in the marine corps for 5 years. You have been sent on a mission to find bravo team that has been lost in a mansion. Bravo team has went there to find out the true stories about ghosts and such. Everyone says that the place was haunted and once you are there you never return.
You start off as bravo team and you adventure through the mansion to bomb it so nothing will kill people again at the mansion. As you play through the game as Bravo team you "have to die". There is no chance you will live. You automatically die by getting killed by Zombies, Skeletons and such. You cant live. Once Bravo team is dead, you, the Alpha team will have to go search for them. Outside the mansion is lit up. Inside the lights are out. You will have to go in the dinning room to find someone dead is on the floor and "roaches" are all around the body(using larva). You will go back to the entrance to find your team has left and went upstairs. You have to follow them and ask why did they leave. They will say, "We heard gunshots." Than you have to get a member to go back to the dinning room to notice the roaches are gone and the body is up and coming towards you. Your member starts to fire at the Zombie, and soon he gets bitten, then you will shoot it and kill it. You then have to find a medkit to heal him.

^^Thats all for now.happy.gif
1 Human
Desert Eagle
(Note: You have unlimited ammo but you have to survive on finding burst rounds to increase your fire power so you can kill easier, but it gets extremly hard once the rounds are found. Skeletons and Zombies are found in groups. While ghosts are squad leaders.)
I havent started the map yet so no screens yet. But ask some questions.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Kingra on 2005-05-07 at 16:58:07
WHEN will you start this map? I am hoping to see screenshots. The storyline is fantastic, and it would be better to describe it in much more detail. Just a suggestion. Putting more detail into it will let the reader imagine the scene, like in books, right? wink.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by warhammer40000 on 2005-05-07 at 17:18:42
Sounds good. Get some screenshots and good luck Finish it or i'll kill you.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Jordan on 2005-05-07 at 19:29:54
this map is "almost" close to CastleVania. If you played that game on N64 you know what it is.

also, im making a different map called Hell Multiplayer.
you'll play up to 4 players going through different missions. i mean instead of making 2 players playing on Hell (what im currently on) im going to make a new map with different storyline, guns, all that.

Here is what i have made in a part that happends:
Note: Every part you get to, text will say what part of the level it is.

-Bloody Murder-
As you run outside the mansion going to the graveyard, skeletons rise from their graves and try to attack you. Skeletons will then have a sword. Ghosts appear at the end of the graveyard and use psychic powers to get you confused. Such as send you to dark world where you see nothing hear nothing and face nothing. It will soon show you dieing in a pit because you are growing older by the second till you die. Once that is done itll bring you back to the graveyard where you have to kill a big monster called the "Crypt Keeper". No not the guy off TV, lol. Hes going to be a zergling that has 250 life and he chases you around the graveyard trying to kill you. Once you are low on life you pick up medkits that spawn all over the graveyard. Here is a tip. Dont go in the corners of the graveyard. You'll get trapped. Cause the Crypt Keeper can raise skeletons to chase after you also.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by slayer766 on 2005-05-07 at 19:33:40
Yeah your storyline is kickass man! I want to see some screenies once you get them posted. Good luck and hope you get your map finished. biggrin.gif Oh and that part that you just added sounds interesting. GL with everything man.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Jordan on 2005-05-07 at 19:35:28
thanks ive got a lil bit of terrain and thats all.
if you can tell me how to make screen shots while in an editor ill be glad to post 1
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Screwed on 2005-05-07 at 19:41:18
The same way you take screenshots for everything else.

Click PrtSc beside F12, go into paint and paste the picture. Save, and upload the picture here.

Report, edit, etc...Posted by slayer766 on 2005-05-07 at 19:44:36
I had a problem on how to post screenshots also. But that's not the way I did mine, oh well. I never tried that way before Screwed.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Kingra on 2005-05-07 at 21:02:53
Also, when saving, save it as a JPG/JPEG.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Jordan on 2005-05-07 at 22:34:16
alright im working on more of terrain. ill get ss of terrain soon! maybe tomorrow i will.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Forsaken on 2005-05-07 at 23:40:59
Well, the concept is there. But, the originality could use some work. Unless, you are making it to be like Castlevania... The storyline has a few holes to where it jumps around a bit. If you would like help in making it sound as if you were actually going on a scary mission, I would love to help you out.

Also, can you justify the title's meaning to the actual map? I was picturing something a little different.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Jordan on 2005-05-07 at 23:48:11
Hell, everyone knows that it means the devil, evil, you know.
I named it Hell because it gives it the idea of it. Its like all hell breakes loose. Hell has monsters - thats whats on here. Later on the game you'll get to go to Hell and kill the Devil devil.gif . On the multiplayer hell map, you start off in hell and go through totally different parts instead of Single Player Hell.
+ I said its almost like CastleVainia because the skeletons and zombies.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Dr.Shotgun on 2005-05-08 at 08:53:33
you go to hell?

Report, edit, etc...Posted by Jordan on 2005-05-08 at 11:10:03
dude you go to hell to kill the devil, ive played doom 1 and 3 and yes you go to hell but this is different. you dont find any weapons in hell and no burst rounds. yes you get a chainsaw. lol jk. that would be doom easily. but my point is, that just cuz you go to hell doesnt mean its doom. Look at all the other rpgs that let u go to hell. It's someones dream to kill the devil tongue.gif. Im not basing this on doom just so you know.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by slayer766 on 2005-05-08 at 11:13:56
Yeah just like in DiabloII you get to go to Hell and kill Diablo.

Back on topic, Fierce did you get your screenies tooken yet? Becuase we would all like to see what terrain you've gotten done.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Jordan on 2005-05-08 at 14:17:19
cant right now im working on science fair project :\ crybaby.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mp)RuFF on 2005-05-08 at 15:18:35
hey can i test this or something?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Jordan on 2005-05-08 at 15:35:44
ima have some of my friends test wit me like warhammer and kab
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Forsaken on 2005-05-09 at 18:30:43
What is the screenshot supposed to be of? All it looks to me is some doodads...

I see your using Internet Explorer....

I am very sure you hvae seen this:

Sometimes, anarchy and
non-compliancy is part
of a teenager's life...
However, it should have no part in
your browser's behavior.
Get firefox

If not look at the top right corner of the page.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Dr.Shotgun on 2005-05-11 at 17:49:17
LEARN TO USE SCMDRAFT AND STARFORGE! it is ez and worth it a 1000 times ovr
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