I couldn't really say which forum this belongs into, but this one seems semi-appropiate. I was flamed in the channel, by a member whose name will not be disclosed here, and I would like to have some action done against them if possible. I have screenshots if evidence is neccesary. I would like to know if this can be acted upon, and if so, how to contact the proper staff to report it.
Just PM Yoshi about it?
Look up Yoshi's profile and then press the PM button.
what do you mean by "the channel"? Op sen on b.net?
Yes, I do. Alright, I wasn't entirely sure.
Usually someone with access is in the channel... this would include global mods or above, and their bots. Try to take it to them if one of them is on.
Either contact Yoshi (Yoshi da Sniper) or IP (Isolated Purity)
You have 2 ways to contact them...
Through b.net or SEN...
Contact eother of them showing proof, And I guess actions may be tooken.
*warhammer40000 runs away
Anyway, i get flamed sometimes in op sen. (Semi-flame) Sometimes a user with access wont be there, like last time some non-member spammed our channel. Just PM the admins with proof i guess...
PM me who it is, I can deal with them, I have 100 access.
If it's the person that I'm thinking about he'll really get in trouble.
Ultimitly, there isn't much you can do. Sure, you can prevent the person from accessing op sen for about 120 secconds, but then he/she could come back with a slightly different name. The time would be more like 30 seconds if the person sets up a macro and uses it.
If they are IP banned, I don't see them coming back for a long, Long time. Unless they do something really weird and change there IP. Then come back.. And start the flaming once again. Then they are just going to get banned untill they learn there lesson.
if you have dialup, every time you connect to the internet you get a new IP address. If you get IP banned, all you have to do is disconnect from the internet and then reconnect to the internet, and then you will have a new IP address.
Let's not play the 'if' game.
The whole problem with chatrooms is that 'flaming' isn't really an issue (Well, to me.)
If you have a problem with someone, there is a nice /join command.
Or /ignore. Or Alt+Q. This way you don't have to deal with this person and you can go on as if they don't exist.
Rawr, 800th post. 200 more. Just say the name here already so we can also flame him... I don't see how really disrespectful people should be hidden behind the community...
IPBans will work, we just might have to throw in a few *s.
Just like rexy said...
Ignore the person and move on. It's not our jobs to punish people for every little flame. Some people are noobs, some people have disagreements...
Seriously, it's stupid to run to us with every little thing that happens. It's like 8 year olds... "Mommy, Billy called me stupid!"
Ah, yes. I haven't even brought up the godly /squelch command. Silly Moose.
Theres a squlech command in the forums?
Yeah, click "Ignore user" while viewing their profile on the forums.
But we were talking about battle.net.
Oh okay... Didn't notice the Ignore User button...
And I just noticed that evreyone was talking about B.net...
YO! I posted before rexy telling him that it was about battle.net!!! WHOSE ABUSING MODDING POWERS!?!?!?!??!
Maybe you never pushes Submit/Add Reply?
I keep making that mistake for some reason, I click Preview, And when it loads, I click back, Then reload.
i didnt preview that time... i think.
I flame people all the time on battle.net
But it's just b.net who cares? Just don't take any of it seriously.
Theoretical Human i think i know who u're talking about. But i dont think SEN should be responsible for channel flames.
Nope, It shoulden't, It's your problem if the person is flaming at you... Thats also why they invented the squlech command.
Also, If you are way to lazy to typ /squelch... Then you can flame back!