I was just adding something into the shoutbox when this happened:
Sorry, an error occurred. If you are unsure on how to use a feature, or don't know why you got this error message, try looking through the help files for more information.
The error returned was:
Useful Links
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· Our help documentation
and it deleted what I was putting...
Nevermind, it was that one specific message (although nothing was wrong with it)
But I still wanna kno why I got a blank error...
Does this happen every time you type in the same message or did this only happen once?
This happend to me a few times a while back...
But who cares... Just re-type it

Then all your problems will be gone.
I did retype it, and it didn't work.
Then I tried a different message and it did.
Maybe a filter was set or something...
i was putting:
sometimes it looks like a red "[center]" and a white "[/center]"
Only to make it look like that:
[color=lightblue]sometimes it looks like a red "[cen[color=lightblue]te[/color]r]" and a white "[/cen[color=lightblue]ter[/color]]"[/color]
What broswer are you using? It's probally the cause of IE... Who knows.
IE wouldn't just cause that kind of error... Would it?
Who know's, IE has way to many hles in it... I never had this problem while using firefox... Or opera.. Either one works...
Firefox (recomended)
This is a firefox site. But the only time i get a blank space is when i completely mess up on BBCodes.
Nah, PHP doesn't care what browser you use.
It's HTML that does...
Then why do many bugs stop when using Firefox?
Because this page was created with Firefox in mind

I think there was some code that the shoutbox wasn't accepting or something. Don't worry about it.
It has nothing to do with the browser because it gave site error, not a browser error.
RexyRex said all you need to know.
He was talking about bbcode acceptance in the shoutbox. Not browser related things.
if you post twice, sometimes it cuts your second time off too...