War Of Cities
aE[ShinRa] & aE[Screwed] Present...
-To Conquer the opposing city (Dark City VS Light City)
-Map Size-
128 x 128
-General Information-
Each player controls one mage, above that mage is a "Crosshair" (Observer) that follow the mage around, There are 6 different levels your mage can go through while attempting to take out the opposing city. There are 5 spells for each level and about 8 - 10 spells for Level 6, most of the spells are cast at the "Crosshair". For example "Teleport" is a spell where your character teleports from his current location to his "Crosshair". Other spells include, HP Reducing spells, Mana Stealing Spells, and Destruction Spells, and Minipulation Spells. There is also a sacrifice system, you may "Mind Control" certain units and sacrifice them, you may then later use your sacrifices to cast spells or to create stronger beings. Also the higher your level the farther out your crosshair can go. The city's are very lively and sometimes the computer will sacrifice its units so you may use it for certain spells.
Through the entire game the two city's are fighting and basically balancing eachother out, so it is up to the mages to "Turn the tide of battle" in there favor.
Sorry for the spelling errors I did this in a hurry

Let us know any idea's or suggestions you have for us.