As I look through the map section I notice a pattern of spam from dark_lunatic_k. He basically has decided he hates everyone who said he stole Prod Clod's map and changed it into his own. In response he runs around the comment section rating all maps by people who have complained about his posting a stolen map on the site with 1's and of course claiming their map must be stolen... even with their maps are completely original. His newbish spam fills the map comments section and most of it really merits being deleted. In fact I would go so far as to say he might not even deserve the right to comment in the map section. He also has a second name of zergkilla18.
I've tried to ignore him over the months... but he is annoying and creating what I believe to be a problem in the community. His spam at the very least should be deleted from various map comment threads.
First off on my recently submitted map... claim is utter crap and I can prove it if needed, I have all 11 versions of this map from my Pre-Beta on to 1.08B. He just said it was stolen because he doesn't like me and likes to spam lies. even demands credit for making crappy suggestions not used in maps:'m gonna cut my list short... I just listed some examples from the "tactical" maps section.
He also has a tendency to post maps that are not really all his own(mainly some variations of Prod_Clod's The Great War which he tries to claim credit for). He constantly spams maps myself, guntank and some others posts accusing them of being stolen and such simply because we told the truth about some of the maps he submitted that Prod made.
Secondly... examples of stolen maps posted by dark_lunatic_k
His WW1 Secret Armies map: WW1 Kaiser's Fury map: stole off Prod_Clod's WW1 The Great War map. I mean he has a right to make his own crappy versions of maps if he wants I guess but the map descriptions should be at least edited to include their based originally on Prod_Clod's map and modified by him.
Another example of a stolen map, this one from 7ED's Napoleonic Diplomacy: another note he has submitted three of his maps TWICE instead of just updating the older version... maybe delete the old submissions or something?
Kaiser's Fury, The African Theater and Normandy Western Collison are the maps in question he submitted twice.