Hello I am Septhiroth The Creator Of Bushido Shogun Warz and Map Maker of Bushido Lore RPG. I'm here to Introduce one of the most latest Maps from the Bushido Series. Me and two other friends are making Bushido SW 2.
First Let me Introduce Bushido SW. Bushido SW=Bushido Shogun Warz is a Strategic,RPG Game where you will require Teamwork and RPG Experince to win the game. Bushido SW is very similiar to Dyanasty Warriors but this Map Mainly focuses on Heroes instead of the Army.
-=Bushido SW2=-
I am planning to make another Bushido SW. This Time You'll be able to have an Inventory for Items, and a New Spell System where u must have fast reflexes. Now.........Just bare with me......... I am planning to make it Similiar to DOTA on WC3. I understand It was a failure on SC...I think. People say its even impossible to make it similiar to DOTA. But I know Its not true. I have come up with 5 Theories.
List of Theories.
1.) Terrain Theory
2.) Damage Theory
3.) Spell Combination Theory
4.) Item Theory
5.) Reflex Theory
Terrain Theory- In DOTA Speed is Important. Without Speed no one could kill each other with melee Heroes. But In SC u sadly can't change a Unit's Speed. BUT I have came up with a Theory that might Counter Speed. Trying to think about a way to increase speed besides (Stim Pack, Upgrades, Blah,Blah) is POINTLESS. So heres the Terrain Theory. No matter how fast you are it always deppends on your position. If your behind an enemy player u get 4 Hits on him before he runs.
But if you do infront of him you might just get one. Since it Grants 4 hits on enemy hero you'll have to Combine this Theory with the Spell Combination Theory to make it like DOTA.
Spell Combination Theory- Ok The Spell Combination Theory is just Simply Combining Spells Together to make an Intresting Result. Spell Combining is simply Combining 2 Diffrent Spells or 2 Same Spells at Once to make a Intresting Result.
Example.) Zealot Spell + Zealot Spell =Sucky Effect , Zealot Spell + Goon Spell=Good Effect
Now if you Combine This Theory With Terrain Theory it makes me get closer to make this map Similiar to DOTA. If u want to know how Adding those Togther Works then heres an Example which i'm going to use in the Map.
Example.) First When u Try To Combine those 2 Theory's togther you'll need to make up a spell that related to both Theorys. Just say a Spell like Reverse (Switches places with an Enemy Hero). If u switch places it means your behind the Hero and Grants u at least 4 Chanes of Striking him. When The Enemy Hero is able to escape you simply CAN"'T catch him up with speed, So if u Reverse again
you'll be able to perform another 4 Hits on him, which mean your combining Terrain Theory (by Taking advantage of where you are) and Spell Combination Theory ( Which is Combining Spells by casting Reverse Over and Over).
Srry if its confusing
anyways i won't tell the other theorys becuase I want to Explain more Info on the Map
There will be Spells that you can cast. Each Hero shall have Diffrent Types of Spells. You will be able to cast a spell by building a zealot at Top Mid. You'll be able Upgrade your spells to Improve them. But It will require a certain amount of cash.
-=Demon Heroes=-
Marcanus: Archon
Health : 1500
Shields: 500
Damage: 45
Damage UPG: 4+
Kanzi Inmokawa : Hydralisk
Health: 1100
Damage: 45
Damage UPG: 4+
Katsuno Kirihoro:Vulture
There isn't really a story. This is a Map Mainly made for Gameplay and Replay Value. But if you really want to know what the story here it is. After the Siege in Kyoto, Tokujima's Army's arrives to Nothern of Hokkaido to anniliate the Demons.The Demon's are ready to protect their Castle.
-=Here are Lists of New Features in Bushido SW 2=-*Chances of Killing a Hero will increase to 50%
* An Item Inventory Shall be Added
* Max Lvl Spell has Inreased to lvl 4
* Brand New Terrain Made by Tomacojo
* Lower HP on Heroes
* 2 Guard Towers Per Lane
* Guard Towers 2x Stronger
* New Heroes
* New Spells
* Spells Have Greater Effect
* 50% Percent of Spells for Each Hero effects on Enemy Heroes
* Some Old Heroes