I'm not sure which forum this question belongs in - please move the topic if there is a better one.
What is the BB Code for writing a table? There is one used in the Mapmaking tricks and hints Archive, but I can't find the BB Code for it.
There is no BB code for tables. I enabled HTML for global moderators for that forum, so Bolt_Head could use html tables and whatever in there.
I've always have had this question: Where can we(Global Mods) use HTML? I've seen some forums that have it enabled and others dont'.
Not even I have it enabled in some forums. Because, there is no need for you to use HTML. If you really want to, its still unfair for everyone else, while you show off the fact you can HTML all you want, and no one else can.
If you read the first 2 posts, I confirmed that it was enabled there, and gave a reason why
My bad, I misread the end of the first post. I gotta stop skimming.
I wonder if you could mod in some BB Code for writing tables in SEN v5? I'm sure at least a few people would find it useful.
It can also be used to deform the layout if used inproperly. Sorry.
Couldnt you just add limitations like you guys have in the signature, and for when making a trigger? And if it passes the limit it gets overwritten?
Couldn't you just use a codebox?
Row 1 Column 1 | Row 1 Column 2
Row 2 Column 1 | Row 2 Column 2
Row 3 Column 1 | Row 3 Column 2
Just use a program like notepad to do absolute character positioning.
Yes I could.
I'll do that
I thought this was a good idea...Didn't I make a thread on it? (If I didn't..sorry, I'm feeling a bit under the weather right now...)
Anyways, only make a BBCode work if you have all the endings so it doesn't deform the layout.
And make a width and height absolute, turn word wrap on...etc.
Well, whatever, you said no and no is no.
If I choose to have a blank page in the profiles mod, I would allow some type of table bbcode. I don't see why you would need to put tables in forum posts though. It's pointless.