I've been doing maps for years now, have created almost 100 maps for broodwar yet, but I realize I did not have many people to help me find out about balancing or what to consider, so most of my maps are imbalanced (mostly pro-terran, that happens often if u try to do too much), and as i am a Terran player my self, I did not care^^. Well I want to try to change my strategy with making maps, instead of making two per day and never really testing them I probably should try to concentrate on a few and try to make them really good. So I'll start with presenting one of my newer creations, tell me what I could improve or what I forgot balancing-wise.
Well this one is pretty much standard 4-player map, gasnatural expo with a cliff, very open and big middle part, all other expos are neutral.
I will try to be more active on this board in the next weeks, as maps are what i like most in BW, and most maps I see here really kick ass. Do you play them sometimes, too?