Now This Map Isn't ShogunWarz II . This Map Is Bushido Lore RPG where it all started The Bushido Series. This Map is Made Sogi_Tako (NOTE: ITS NOT SOGGY TAKO ITS SOGEEE TAKOOO) any ways i'm helping him create Bushido Lore RPG II. There are 2 Other Map Makers that helping him and They are... Tomacojo (Terrain Editor) , and PDF_Darkblade as a Guest Editor (which means we weren't planning him to help but it happened somehow).
Bushido Lore RPG 1
1304 AD.
A Middle Rank Samurai Named Fujimoto Ieyeasu surving under the Shogun Tokujima. During this Period Tokujima was allianced with Hasugawa . But Hasugawa seems to be captured by another Clan. Thus Tokujima has sent Fujimoto to search for Hasugawa in the Castle of Hizumo. But first he must go through the Village of Nangano where there were Rumors that Creatures eats Villagers. As Fujimoto arrives to Nagano he discovers the Demons.........
Bushido Lore RPG II
Fujimoto gots passed through the Village of Nagano and arrives in the Castle of Hizumo. Thus his Journey to save Hasugawa continues.
The Map is about 45% Complete and the Demo will be soon released.
The Acutal Date of The Demo Release is June 1st 2005. We are planning to complete this in September,October,or November.
-=Lists of Heroes=-
Name: Fujimoto Ieyasu
Unit:Fenix Zealot
Information: Fujimoto the Main Charater In Bushido Lore RPG II and he is Respectful to his Friends.
Gendo Shidomo
Information:Gendo Shidomo is a very Intresting Character which you'll find
him being Stupid sometimes, Gendo also holds a Grudge on Asakura
Asakura Sato
Information:Asakura is a extremly Cocky Hero who thinks everything is weaker than him including Gendo, which he also holds a Grudge on him.
Unit:High Templar
Information: Yomokodo is the Wisest of them all. He takes thing slow and steady
Tokijiro Inafune
Duty: Guardsmen
Unit:Dark Templar
Information:Tokijiro is a cautious yet dangerous and who is always alert
Azumi Toyatomi
Personality:Blood Thirsty
Information Azumi Toyatomi is a Hero that enjoy to shed Blood of his enemies.
Bushido 1 Didn't Became such a good map at all becuase of the lack of the Terrain and there were bunch of glitches. So we just ended the Bushido 1 Project. But with Tomacojo as the Terrain Editor the Terrain is now Smooth and thanks to PDF_Darkblade the some Glitches are fixed in Bushido II.
Bushido Lore RPG II Is Fun from the Begging of the Test to the end of it. One of the most important aspects of Bushido Lore RPG II we added was that the Bosses have to be Harder than in Bushido 1. In order for us to do this we made the Bosses have their own indivdual spells. This will make the Game More Challenging and difficult. Whats another thing that is diffcult is that The Bosses can sometimes combine their spells to do Brutal Damage. Also These Bosses have beyond the Adverage amount of HP the Boss should have. These Boss Battles aren't suppose to be Fair and not to be too Rigged for the Comp.
Spells-Another Thing we added was Spells we added Spells for you to Cast. You by simply building a Zealot or a Dragoon or a Ht Etc........ Each Hero shall have their own Indiviual spells but not only that. You're also allowed to Select the types of Spells that you want to cast in the beggining.
The Only Problem about the map is the Size of the Map. The Map Current Size is 1.21 MB and only 45% is completed but other than that its good.
Text and Interactivity- In Bushido 1 it doesn't explain anything about the story or where to go. But in this Bushido II is Smooth and Intresting. This Actually tells the Story of it and each Hero actually do Talk. But if you don't have a pacific Hero in your Party, then that Pacific Hero won't be able to talk.
Events and Alternative Events-In Bushido II There will be Events the Fujimoto will have to face. There are Also Alternative Events that happen deppending on the Hero they Pick.
Revival System-There Shall also be a Revival System which allows you to revive.BUT the Revive System will not Effect Fujimoto.
Terrain- Whats also an Important Aspect was the Terrain. The Terrain in Bushido 1 was just completly Horrible. But in Bushido II which the Terrain was created by Tomacojo, it is now finally Smooth and Beautiful (he didn't use Sprites) The Terrain in Bushido II is The Outside of the Castle, Inside the Castle and a Beautiful Terrain of the Famous Zen Garden.
We Hope You're Intrested to see this Map because on June 1st the Demo of Bushido Lore RPG II shall be Released.
BUT if you really want to Try it out, without waiting come to to Gateway- US.West and come to Channel Bushido to try it out without waiting for the Demo to be released. If i'm not in the Channel the /Msg Septhiroth.
awsome glad to see that you have finally posed something on this
-Kyazu from West (me)
i was happy to test it i wana see what you have edited(maby this should be a pm)
over all its a very good story awsome game play and spells im hopeing you fixed some of the spells (modify HP)
ill post more later probably when i re test if i still have the map
Seems Like a Really Great Map Let me Know when your map is Finished, Make sure u uSe Good features and so on
Name: SoLo-SouL
Password: ***** <--- Wouldnt You Like to Know
Realm Server: UsEast.Battle.Net
Channel: CLaN FLiP
Aang its not about the features in a map its about the game play all good games have to have a good story it dosent matter how it looks good features dont make a map
but he has so much with spells and so on that is really good i liked testing it i dont know what he is missing but its really good awsome story and fun all around