Well, hi everybody!
I am Richan, I'm 16 currently and I'm from Spain. Well, I've known StarEdit for quite long (just see I was inscribed more than a year ago
) but I've never decided to post/introduce myself until now. I found the site thanks to Volka, the webmaster of StarSite.
I've been into mapmaking for some time (two years more or less) but I've not been able to use SCXE till last September, so I'm sure I've still got a lot to learn.
I most enjoy UMS maps, I'm too bad for Melee Maps. My favourites are TMA maps and RPGs, although I like UMS in general (except Mass maps were creating units gets bored
) I'm into a campaign currently, but I do like creating Multiplayer maps too. I hope I find here all kind of help/advise I should need to improve my skills (well, I don't hope, I'm sure I'll find it here
) My Battle.net account is Richan and I play in Europe, I doubt anybody knows me, but just in case.
Besides StarCraft, I also love chess, and I've got a Gamecube at home, so I'd also be keen in speaking about these things.
OK, I think that's all for now.
I just hope I can suit in here and have a great time with all of you.
See ya!