Hi.. this is my second ice map i hope you enjoy playing it.

It's a decent 1vs1 map, with a (LT) style main and natural .. Middle is really big with 2 expands and theres 2 islands in top right and left bottom corners. Tell me what you think about it

Doesnt look like a LT style map. But good job nehow
I mean the natural next to the base with the other expand in front of the base without gas.
Pretty good map. Can't think of anything else to say, except maybe replace some snow with grass so less blinding to eyes.

Yea, i actually like this map, i would like it a lot more if it was on any other Tileset, its not perfect, but its a nice map, good job.
Instead of telling me that its not perfect ( which i already know ) tell me what should i change to become a perfect map

Looks like top base has more open space

I like it. Perhaps zvt in lategame could be a bit hard for zerg, as he can't outexpand like he is used to. On the other hand, he'll just have to get drop to get enough expos, why shouldn't he?
I like how there is much space to build a really nice base in you main. As a chaotic-building terran i appreciate this;)
With the "white terrain is painfull to the eye"-problem: I don't know. I don't have any problems with this, but i heard of players who can't bear that. I tend to use as little snow as possible making iceterrain maps to make those ppl happy.
I'm glad you bring this problem to surface cobra. This problem is caused by little cliffs at the right... it takes more room than the top one so i had to reduce the amount of space. Should i remove completly the cliffs?
QUOTE(Panschk @ May 18 2005, 04:28 AM)
I like it. Perhaps zvt in lategame could be a bit hard for zerg, as he can't outexpand like he is used to. On the other hand, he'll just have to get drop to get enough expos, why shouldn't he?
I like how there is much space to build a really nice base in you main. As a chaotic-building terran i appreciate this;)
With the "white terrain is painfull to the eye"-problem: I don't know. I don't have any problems with this, but i heard of players who can't bear that. I tend to use as little snow as possible making iceterrain maps to make those ppl happy.
Thats why they replace white people with green people on these maps?

Notice the shape of the two. Try fixing the bottom one first. If you want to move it torwards the center a little more.
Nice map, i like the ramps leading behind the expansion, nice terraining, just balance everything out for each side, ill comment more later. Im sick and going to throw up, seriously... Ill be bak later.
Cobra: I did not say anything about player colours. I was referring to the fact that some players seem to hate mostly white backgrounds in games with passion. As Gamma correction will probably be quite high with many gamers, the white screen will be too bright for some.
That shouldnt be a factor when rating these maps.
Well it can. Imagine he would participate in a mapcontest with the map and the jury knows that some players playing in the league where the maps are played are sensitive to that. Then that could be considered.
I am one of those who are annoyed at too much whiteness.
And yes, the look of the map is put to mind when grading it, if its not fun to look at, its not fun to play, and thats what matters.
I grade maps like this:
25% Look
75% Balance
Those are the two things that make a map fun, and thats what matters most.
Yenku you are right. Maybe you can add "creativity"/innovations to the rating system, as a perfectly balanced map that brings some really new gameplay would be more interesting than a perfectly balanced maps that plays like LT.
Added new screenshot.. tell me if it looks "dark" and if it gives a good feeling on your eyes ( i don't know how you can hate snow even if brightness maxed because i tryed and its not a problem ) Fixed the expand problem, removed the ramps because they were the cause of many problems imbalance with the middle etc.
oooh, now it looks very pretty from the thumbnail pic

This map was never really a problem. but yea, this is easier on the eyes.
Good job on melting the snow^^
I personally never had problem with this, it's just that i know others have.
QUOTE(Cobra @ May 17 2005, 11:15 PM)
Looks like top base has more open space

Top base is longer, Bottom base is wider, So they really have the same ammount of building space.
Ok, Trcc, I see why cobra keeps freaking out about the size (jk)
You see the ice by the mineral expansion for red? It has one less patch of ice than blue.
I downloaded it and looked at it, its much better looking ingame.