you can stay at hotel for negative days and it gives you minerals, please subtract this 3000 from my account. i stayed for -300 days
I tried it out and it gave me 10 mins for -1 days. Interesting bug...
dontated those 3000 mins to the Raffle!
Thanks! Dk is in teh positives now.
Whoever wins the raffle gets unlimited minerals
Damn won't this get people in troub;e? O_o Oh well I'll do it because everyone else is...
Zerg Pets section gone. Raffle gone. All users found abusing this bug have been reset to -50.
For the future, please tell me these things over PM. Now everyones minerals might be reset because you had to tell everyone a critical flaw.
What I have expected...There goes the rest of my raffle minerals.
Slowly one by one everything in the Games section got owned, and now it has happened.
Everything is gone except for the store.
I'm such a tattle tale.
!!! I just put all my money into the Raffle and within a while its gone!
I had 7 tickets...
What happened with the raffle?
Is it because he donated it to that?
Owned by glitchiness.
At least DK got something good out of this. Now he might acutally be able to buy things in the future. He gained 3 million minerals as the end result.
When SEN v5 comes out IP needs to remeber to make ever text box say this: If stuff in text box <0 set stuff in text box to 0.
It doesn't matter anyway.. All minerals are going to be reset in sen v5
when is V5 coming out ne ways? i mean i hear about it but i dont see nething about it....
There WON'T be minerals in V5... At least I don't think so, for a while.
The mod was designed for invision boards, so it won't be compatible with SEN next generation until someone does make something custom for it...
But I'm all
ed up. Ask an admin xD