I've found a way to (indirectly) detect whether a unit is burrowed or not, thus allowing "burrow switches". Sorry if this was obvious, but I though it has cool potential, and havn't seen it before. With more work I can also probably make it burrowed/unburrowed detection, instead of just burrowed, thus making a burrow switch as opposed to the current burrow toggle.
I cant play it, no cpmputer player!
Instead of posting a map which by what I just read it won't work. Why not tell us the method used to achieve such a concept.
Probably because he thought it was obvious. What happens is when you unburrow the unit it's immidiatly killed by a unit, in this case a dt and then respawned burrowed. Simple.
EDIT: The toggle of the switch is the unit dying, by the way.
Yeah, you people of SEN are driving my memory to the ground!
Ok, heres how it works, Psycho templar was right, it simply detects if player one has any deaths of the unit, which he would have with the DT. I'm guessing it would be possible to detect both burrowed and unburrowed using deaths of infested terrans, which would replace the DT, thus if IT deaths are 0 then its burrowed, and if IT deaths are 1+, its unburrowed. An invinciblity detector could also work in a similar way, IT deaths=0 then invincible. (This would also work with spider mines and scourge, but is completly theoretical, as I'm not even sure if suiciding with these units gives deaths or not.
Its been used before, still great to see people post concepts when they find them even if we get some of the same ones multiple times
Oh, its been done before?
But I've found a few saddening limetations in it, such as the fact that only one such switch can be active at the same time without using up more zerg units for it. (It could be done messily without actually naming the zerg units "Unburrow to toggle" or something, but it wouldn't look all that great.)
Actually, that wouldnt be a bad idea for a switch...
Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't tux make a map where you had to burrow to reload? There must have been a way to detect it then...
It's a decent system, but having the unit die is a bit messy, don't you think?
Yah, I made a way to detect burrowing for my map I'm working on.
You need two locations
one location is a 1x1 location which we will label A
one location is a 0x0 location which we will label B
the unit your trying to see if its burrowed which we will call a
a zerg unit that can be burrowed which we will call b
Player A is the owner of unit a
Player B is a player that is not Player A
It takes two triggers
--Center Location (A) on (unit a) owned by (Player A) at (anywere);
--Center Location (b) on (unit a) owned by (Player A) at (anywere);
--Create (1) (unit b) at (Location A) for (Player B) apply properties (burrowed);
--Remove (all) (unit b) for (player B) at (anywere);
--Preserve Trigger();
--Bring (Player B) (atleast) (1) (unit B) to (location b);
--SetSwitch("Unit is Burrowed");
--Preserve Trigger();
(hyper triggers required)
In my map, I have each trigger under a seperate player, (Trigger one is under player 7, while trigger 2 is under player 1). I'm not sure if that would make any difference, but I think it would due to order of operations. It's a pretty easy to understand trigger system, and it has worked in the situations I've had. Trigger one starts by centering location A and location B. Location A is used for a place to spawn the burrowed unit at, and location B is used to detect if it is burrowed or not. After Centering, trigger1 then spawns the burrowed zerg unit at Location A. For some reason, when it spawns the burrowed unit, it will not apear directly under the other unit, even if unit a is not moving. But, when unit a is burrowed, it does spawn directly on it, which then activates trigger2. You can also change it to fit your needs, wether you want it to detect if the unit is not burrowed, etc...
I'm not sure if that's been mentioned before, but it works for me.
About it being messy, I think using an infested terran attacking and dying against a unit with like 9999 hp would work fairly well, and would be a little less messey.
And qPirateKing used it in his Deep Blue Demo. Just another example.
Ok, this way has some pros and cons compared to the way that I learned from the infamous Dabbu.
- REALLY simple to use
- Requires only 1 trigger
- You can't hotkey the unit
- Minimap ping and "unit under attack" message
Personally, I think the other way is better because you can hotkey the unit.
Edit: Man, I love how this site keeps files from ages ago... Here's the original map by Dabbu.
BurrowRecognition.scm ( 25.63k )
Number of downloads: 26QUOTE(BeeR_KeG)
Why not tell us the method used to achieve such a concept.
Dabbu uses exactly the method that I thought of for myself just a few days ago...
Essentially, it works the same way as SuperToast's method:
- Move a unit1 onto the burrowable unit2. Center a small location (Dabbu uses 0.5x0.5 grid unit size) on the burrowable unit2.
- If unit1 is inside the location, then unit2 must be burrowed.
- If unit1 is not inside the location, then unit2 is unburrowed.
- Move unit1 out again.
Never the less, despite it being thought of before it was still ingenious, Shatter.
people that learn like this are usualy the best map makers.
I don't understand why you insist that if a person can come up on a concept by themselves it means they'll be one of the best map makers. The burrow switch idea is already established, but it isn't very popular to use yet.
QUOTE(qPirateKing @ May 24 2005, 10:28 PM)
- You can't hotkey the unit
- Minimap ping and "unit under attack" message
I have found a way to fix both of those cons, as well as a possible way to use only one unit for multiple toggles on the same player, and doesn't depend on death counts. This method is to use a reaver instead and to detect scarabs at location, thus seeing if the reavor can see the zergling or not. Since a trigger removes the scarab before it ever reaches the zergling, there will be no "unit under attack" sound or ping. This also allows hotkeying.
Heres an improved edition remedying the hotkey issue.
Ok, actually no attachment since it didnt work too well, and i need to work a few bugs out.
I've seen something of the sort in SC soccer.
Here is the map (or at least I think this is the one I'm thinking of: [attachmentid=9318]
You can review the map in the new map review forum!
I have now created a much improved versain of the burrow switch, using reavers instead of dark templar, thus never actually hitting the zergling (incoming scarabs are detected and removed) The zergling auto reburrows (AND KEEPS ITS HOTKEY!) after each unburrow, thus it is most useful for something like casting a spell, or perhaps as a menu option.
Attached below is the map.
(Note to mr.bob. I havn't looked at the soccer map, yet, but will in a while)
One way to do it is to use starforge.
Let me explain: In Starforge, you can shrink the 1x1 boxes to the lengths of pixels. All you need is two locations, this shrunken location and a location to store a dt (computer).
In concept, (with hypertrigs) you make a trigger that iniates the command to move the dt to the ling, and then another to make it go back to the storing location. This way, you can never see the dt
actually at the burrow location, because the hyper trig instantly sends it back to the storing location.
Then, when you unburrow the ling, when it is teleported to this shrunken location, the ling's "tremendous" size prevents the dt from going to the location.
When DT is unable to get to Location Shrunk, set switch yadda yadda
When DT is at Location Shrunk, clear switch yadda yadda.
I learned this concept from this map I found in the Experimental map archives.
It's quite good!
It's for normal Starcraft too!
Like i said before in the shoutbox, it is pointless! I don't know about you, but i will stay with the deaths switch. Plus that kind of switch is to complicated for newbies.
Deathbynumbers. You.are.incredibly.obtuse
Let me explain, or perhaps you should just read the rest of the thread, but anyway, this is not a switch in the sense of "Player brings units to location, set switch/add deaths. This is a Toggle, or an activator. If thats still to complex for you ill break it down even more
1. You unburrow the unit
2. Detection triggers fire
3. The intended effect of the unburrow is toggled (think of it an easier way to cast spells or do stuff)
4. Triggers fire to reburrow the zergling
5. The trigger is now ready to fire again.
Yea, deathbynumbers is just being an idiot. He apparently couldn't tell what the point of this topic was and decided to post for the sake of flaming.
Now about your system, I still have some things that I don't like about it. The main thing now is the delay. When you unburrow, you have to wait for the unit to finish unburrowing and then reburrow before you can use it again. With dabbu's system, you can set the toggle to whenever the unit changes states -- both when it burrows AND when it unburrows. That makes the delay HALF as long.