I tried something new with this map. You'll notice right away.
And ignore players 3 and 4. I was using them to place minerals down.
Tell me what you think. It's not done yet (or it could be).
Players: 2
Size: 128x96
Map: Badlands
EDIT: Look below
Im going to have to make the building look prettier since with all those bright colors, it's gonna hurt some eyes.
Hehe, it looks cool, I'll give you that much. But I'm afraid of tanks being troublesome because the middle expansion is surronded by high ground. Transform it into a ground map by extending ground from the island to the middle then adding a ramp that leads to the natural, and one to the other side, and I'll love it.
Does look cool.
Take out purp and teal its unbalanced with them in it.
Why dont you add little areas where you can prop guys on the building? that would be cool.
Sorry didnt see what you said about purp and teal!!
Very neat idea, but if you imagine water in the place of the sides of the sky scraper (which are equivilant in-game), you can see how little there is to this map.
Still, very nice concept (but the map is boring). By now you know I mean no offense by this at all.
meh, it is a bit boring, maybe add something to the top right and left corners
man you could do quite a cool airmap with that skycraper concept. Every roof would be an expo to fight for. The way it is now, the other terrain that is not the skyscraper looks very boring, and the skyscraper is to wide imho. But I like the skyscraper idea much.
Dude thats awesome, it looks cool. I like the skyscraper, and for some reason-
Im very attracted to Teal and Purple's area. It's like melee uberena or something. Just move foward to em. I like it, goojob, deedooda.
Bleh, i wanna make a map that's like purple and teal. But it actually doesnt fit in this map now that u think about it. Nice scraper.
Wow, looks neat as all hell, but... the it's really not very good for a melee game... but still a very pretty looking map
K, how's this then?
Seems very cool eheh.
the mainbases should be on concrete too. It looks so unrealistic, 3 skyscrapers in a lake. Just give the whole map the "manhatten-look"
add some variation to the walls
it looks boring and monotone
Can you get to the top just w/ dropship?
QUOTE(esem @ May 28 2005, 12:17 PM)
add some variation to the walls
it looks boring and monotone
Are u talking about the first picture or the second picture?
I cant see this map being played much, but i guess its unique and has a cool feel to it.