Hello everyone !
My name is Ryan, but you can call me vic. I am 17 years old, and I live in Michigan (USA).
I like to make graphics in photoshop (I just started making my own good templates, which I will show you guys when my first one is completely done), and i'm an expert when it comes to HTML (not so great with making complex templates from scratch yet).
I've been learning PHP for about 2 months now and I'm planning on using my knowledge to help out all the wonderful people who make SC/BW maps.
I am a semi-expert with map making so I know what it's like when you need an easy way around things.
My favorite maps to play would have to be RPG's, as I also love making them but triggers can be a real pain in the ass.
So I have come up with an ingenious plan to make an application with PHP that enables you to make trigger scripts with ease. This app will be on a website in which you register at and can use the app once your registered. The app (the current name for this app is eZTrig Editor, I came up with this name on my own, and as far as I know, it's completely original and copyrighted to me) will save your triggers into a db, and then you have a choice to either make them public (for everyone to view) or private (so only you can view it).
If you are interested in joining this project, please pm me. If you need more information on this, I made a thread
here in more detail. If that link doesn't work for you, it's located in the 'Creative Works' catagory and it's labled 'Official Details on eZTrig Editor™'.