Ive always had ideas of making a campaign, and now since im bored as hell, ive decided to create a campaign based on the terrans that where on tarsonis, but before the protoss fleet glassed the planet of the zerg infestation,
one main feature will be limited resources, where you must micro manage your minerals, and units, to increase the difficulty.
there will be an added twist, involving a certain MARINE, unit....
(think of the first starcraft, the last terran mission...BLUE)
and so far I will add other unique features to it while i get started.
I don't know Tarsonis was glassed.
Way to be a wiseguy. You know what he means.
What are you talking about? I'm being serious, I don't think Tarsonis was glassed. I don't remember though.
lol sure thing ultimo, anyways if you do that you should add sounds of the real voices in the map. there in Sf and you could ask Tux how

lol woo well gl
well devlin to answer your question, I read the novels and they stated that mar sara, char sara and many other planets infested by the zerg where glassed shortly after, by the protoss to stop the spread of infected planets as shown of UNN cinematic of Brood war, so naturaly it was glassed by the protoss in order to stop the spread, but anyway, snipe i will add unit voices like tux did to make it sound like a conversation.

I don't think so. Aiur contained the "glasser" ships, and when the Zerg invaded Aiur, they potentially destroyed all of their ships to very few. At the beginning of the Brood War campaign, Kerrigan's base of operation was on Tarsonis. The Protoss didn't glass it.