If you look in the mod section of the DLDB, it will tell you there is 1 TC and 1 minor mod. However, there are actually no files, as the error will tell you when you try to bring up the page.
So itz minor. Sue me.
yea, it says 3 TCs and 1 minor mod. Odd...
Im pretty sure they know this, Yoshi is probalyl fixing it as we talk.
Its not an actual bug. There really is that many mods, you just cant see them because they aren't approved

Or that could be it.
Maybe you should add something so it stays at No Files, Instead of it saying there are files.
Pretty soon there will be too many to notice the count discrpancy. It would be true for all sections

QUOTE(Puni @ May 27 2005, 10:26 PM)
Or that could be it.
Maybe you should add something so it stays at No Files, Instead of it saying there are files.
We're done with v4.1. Remember?
Yeah when is SEN v5 coming out? I'm looking forward to it!
Sometime this summer they say. IP's sig tells alot.
I haven't seen it surprisingly...
When I click on one of the 'Newest Files' on the front page, it goes to the download page, but when I click 'I Agree (download)' there is an error that says "You have accessed this file from a link not on this site. Anti-leech is in effec- blah blah"
Refreshing the page dosen't fix it, but going to the DLDB to select the file does.
I don't know if it's been mentioned before, it's not a big problem, just a little annoying.