Hi, as i told you yesterday, i said i was going to work on 4 ppl maps this week end... I dunno if its good. ! It's a beta and i will improve it when people make feedbacks

I Don't know how to name it btw.
looks good. Mineral placement could be better (you should pay more attention to this), and the minerals to block the middle expos are probably going to

up the pathfinding routines of the units, so get rid of those.
How about (4)EwokKebab ?
I think it is a nice map, except the 2 expos in the middle might be a terran advantage. Is it accessible by ground units?
Middle expos are accesable by manner pylon. Make sure you take that into account for balance.
you don't need make a pylon, zerg and terran can get throught as well
btw, manner pylons are put in places that are bad mannered to put them: like where an add-on should go, putting it where terran should complete it's wall, trapping peons next to minerals, etc.
That's not bad mannared ;D How do Zerg get to the middle expo with only a drone.
it's like they they do on requiem
bring two drones, tell them to mine the same mineral, then hit stop
one should be able to get through
i am pretty sure that is how it is done
or you could spend 100/100 and upgrade burrow and spend a minute or two burrowing one, putting the other drone on that and then unburrowing like people do in those crappy bound games.
You could get to that expo early and waste time, or you could use the other three and way before you need that, you have the tech.
Pylon building is fun.
oh this map would be fun with tanks and drop ships.
I dont like the way the naturals are set up, and it looks like a long way around that cliff.
The map isn't horrible... you just have a little work to do. Look at how much change some other maps have gotten after they've had suggestions.
Actually the map is quite good. Just take away those low-blocking-minerals or prove me that the AI of units have no problem with them. And allow the players that are next to each other (both top or both bottom) to attack each other without having to go through the middle (Take away some of the high jungle there)
Haha, trcc, you had worse maps than this, dont give up.