Should we change our slogan ("Pushing Starcraft maps to the limit) to something that reflects modding integration (ex. "Pushing Starcraft to the limit)?
Explain your position, if we should change, post a slogan.
definately not Mods are made to make maps better, this is, and weve had this since ever!
Even if you install a mod, you're still playing maps. I also took the retarded options out of the poll.
I agree, we are pushing starcraft to the limits, especially people like DeathKnight. And since we now have our own mod section, I think it would be better to generalize it more.
maybe just put Starcraft instead of maps.
So "Pushing Starcraft to the Limit"
And this wouldn't really require any major site changes other than the banner. I mean, seriously, it makes more sense to take out the maps part of it now, especially since we aren't a mapping-only site.
I don't feel like it really matters. I guess if the Powers That Be decide that they feel like changing the slogan that's fine with me.
But I don't think there's any modders out there that go "OMFG, SEN'S BANNER DOESN'T INCLUDE MODS, I FEEL INSULTED"...
I think "Pushing isometric 2D terrain to the limit" suites the site much better.
Modding is pushing maps to the limit 
I never really noticed it for awhile. But, I agree. Mapping is being pushed into totally new areas.
**Cough Modding Cough**

I like it!
I think it should stay the way it is for the same reason that battlekruser has and the fact that modding is only a small part of SEN
QUOTE(chuiu_os @ Jun 1 2005, 03:24 PM)
I agree, we are pushing starcraft to the limits, especially people like DeathKnight. And since we now have our own mod section, I think it would be better to generalize it more.
I also agree. At first, this was just a mapping site; since then, we've broadened out to modding as well. I think that the current slogan is a bit innacurate now that we've got modding, because it's not just maps we're pushing to the limit here now.
i dont have a slogan, but this site is now one of the most major starcraft websites on the internet.
so maybe only mapping is a bit to... i cant remember the word.
but either way it aint huge.
I say no because SEN originated as a Map Making community, so I say this should be the same. the modding is more of an extra anyways.
(Ya, I know that is exactly what I put in the other renaming topic, but it is what I think)
I barely notice it nowadays.
But yeah, I guess you should change it...but it doesn't really matter.

[sarcasm] Why don't we just disband SEN and rebuild it completely as a modding site? [/sarcasm] Ever hear the expression "Rome wasn't built in a day"?
I think that becuase was originally a mapping community and becuase that is still the main focus of the site, and becuase modding is only a natural extension of this general mapping them, it doesnt matter if the logan stays the way it is, becuase it is refelecting the modding aspect in so far as it goes for maps which is the central point anyway.
Leave it until we can truly replace it with "The largest Starcraft website in North America".
QUOTE(DT_Battlekruser @ Jun 3 2005, 09:39 PM)
Leave it until we can truly replace it with "The largest Starcraft website in North America".
I totatly and utterly agree with what u just said!!!
QUOTE(DT_Battlekruser @ Jun 3 2005, 10:39 PM)
Leave it until we can truly replace it with "The largest Starcraft website in North America".
I thought SEN was world wide?
It's North America based; and we can add that without worrying about competing with Korean melee sites.
Um, it is a global site. Even though US is most of our hits, the site was orginally made by a non-us webmaster (myself) and there are many many people from oversees.
LISTEN TO THE SITE NAME!!! If you guys know what staredit means, its the editors, like xtra or starforge. It wouldn't make sense saying, "Pushing starcraft to the limits," Because this
Plus, its Yoshi's decision