I expect massive negative respnse.
my idea that im now against- change Staredit network, which implies mapping, to some other name that wil reflect mapping AND modding. If yes, explain why and place your sggested name.
If no, explain why
The name is fine. If modding becomes as big as map making, then maybe, but right now, staredit.net is fine.
Buy us a new domain name, pay for hosting, redo all the files, etc. We'd be ELATED to operate under the new name. I also de-gayed your poll options.
NO! Pretty much what moose said.
ANNNNNNNDDDDD for all of the members who werent here during the announcments that SEN is getting a name change, they would be stuck to die. So we'd have to keep SEN to redirect people. or something.
I don't think a site name change is in order.
If you think about it, the name actually makes sense
StarEdit. We are Editing Starcraft.
We can add a cooking forum for all I care, we don't have to change name because SEN is the name no matter what the forum has

Staredit is still mainly about Starcraft UMS Mapmaking... and even if Modding got bigger, it's just a pain in the ass to change everything
QUOTE(Mini Moose 2707 @ Jun 1 2005, 05:15 PM)
Buy us a new domain name, pay for hosting, redo all the files, etc. We'd be ELATED to operate under the new name. I also de-gayed your poll options.
What he said too
maybe www.stareditnmeleewithmodsandterrainwithextraothernonscrelatedthings.net?
I don't think we should change our name. If you really want it to be pure map editing them take away all the other forums and leave about..5?
As long as Fortune is boss he doesn't care.
Even though mods are the new thing on SEN, they're not that big of a part of the site. It's a cool idea, but it's just a little addon, as opposed to a drastic change.
Changing the name of the site would be a drastic change.
sorry for gay options.
I voted no too.
yep, no discussion
Topic closed