What are the main difference between all the editors we all use?
Do each have there own specific job?
Which do you prefer?
Want to know why people choose this one over that one.
- Some are used for terraining, others for players 9-12, others for triggers, and others for cool sprites
- Yes
You can make a complete map in SF or SCXE, its mostly preference triggerwise, and SF is more common for terrain..
i only use SF for terrain.
Xtra - Very easy trigger use, basic terrain, no sprites.
Starforge - Team color unlimited coors, terrain, sprites.
Scmdraft - Team color limited colors, terrain, sprites.
Regular SC Editor - Some AI triggers are not there, basic terrain, no sprites, very easy trigger use.
Starforge seems easier and faster to me than X-tra's triggering system. Basiclly if you are starting mapping with isometric terrain you should use X-tra. Then later use the "advanced" editors once you get comfortable with triggering and etc.
The only reason I do not use SF or SCMD2 for trigger is because I do not read the triggers the same way as I do with SCXE/SE. It is as if I can play the game in my head when viewing the triggers with SCXE/SE but I feel blinded when I am using SF or SCMD2 for triggering.
i use SCXE only b/c i dont know how to use the other programs
What do you mean lack of sprites in Starforge? And if you want all modes in one editor then it will be very hectic. Because some modes let you do things that others don't.
I swear someone should make a nice HTML table with Staredit SCXE classic SCXE alternate [..] Scmdraft and Starforge. I'd start it but someone would call me biased I bet ;(
EDIT: I'll just have everyone post it here:
http://www.staredit.net/index.php?showtopic=16937then it cant be my fault

I swear someone should make a nice HTML table with Staredit SCXE classic SCXE alternate [..] Scmdraft and Starforge. I'd start it but someone would call me biased I bet ;(
Well SI, here is the 'nice html' site that I found a few minutes ago from somewhere, unless I misunderstood the post...:
http://chuiu.com/table.htmlHope that helps...
Dude, he already adapted that to his table, matter of fact he was the first person to see that page I setup.

lol, chu made that table for me after I said I was making one and accepting data ;P
Ok maybe not lack of sprites, but the unupdated version of scmdraft2 is perfect for sprites. Its what its made 4

I still dont know what you prefer in the older scmdraft version to the new one.
The new SCMDraft is much better than the old one. And, the new one is much more secure. And the zoom function is one of the greatest things I have EVER had as a tool for mapping.
he is talking about the sprites. however the old sprite palette should still exist, it juyst does not auto open. maybe he hasn't noticed it under windows->sprite palette