ok when i look at around i see some things like the Tree behind the name of SEN (good choice Khaos's Terrain of that temple on water was getting old)(i think that ws his anyway)
and then i look at the map spotlight how do you pick which maps appear there?
i have seen only 1 map change in the past 3 or so weeks and that was replaced by a Defence(probably sp because no one that makes Defence maps seems to like to spell it correctly dunno if tux did) .....(no offence to Tux but Defence maps are the same thing over and over saving something from getting units brought to it... so yea...) but please tell me how you pick which ones appear in the spots around the Sight like the Tree and other things like map spotlight some of them are good some of them are bad
but then again you have stuff like latest Uploads into the DLDB which is good because people never look at that enless they read the news that is old(seming which the news never brings us past the 3rd map spotlight map.
so... i rambled and rabled but my main question is how do you pick the maps and the stuff like is there a secret poll that gets PMed to some people or do Yoshi and IP get to pick it?
For the background of the title Yoshi once siad he goes around and finds something interesting someone made.
The DLDB keepers and administators can edit the map spotlight as they please.
Only the administrators can change the picture behind the banner, though.
Defense and Defence are both acceptable spelling. If you would like to suggest a map for spotlight just PM me. I'll decide whether or not to change that up (I really should change it more often, I just tend to forget).
We just get more involved into aproving maps than changeing the Spotlight. When the Spotligth used to have big screenshots and were in the top, I never forgot to update it once eevry couple of days.
Yeah, I put Trigger Happy D up because I was too lazy to look for other good maps. Its better than nothing, because it hasn't been updated in so long. Oh, and I didn't want to put one of my own maps up there. I will be be putting one up Saturday though, don't worry.
Oh noes, not Probert..
yes i see i see.... w/e
lol ok so would it be possable to have certin people that run around and give you names to throw onto the spotlight?
because 2 of theys maps have been on there for ever and are very old(not old as in like 2001 but we know now how to do grid thingy and that other map is just there and has been there for ever)
i think there should also be like map spotlights for diffrent genears(sp?) of maps
like rpg, bound, rp(not alot of rp maps on here even), meele, ect. like little tabs people click on above the spotlight to see the 3 that are there (probably more work)
it would be like
RPG| RP | Bound|
like this but more aline better and such
it would be fun to see the map spotlight change every so often for all those maps and genars(sp?)
QUOTE(Oni-Sei @ Jun 2 2005, 01:56 PM)
i have seen only 1 map change in the past 3 or so weeks and that was replaced by a Defence(probably sp because no one that makes Defence maps seems to like to spell it correctly dunno if tux did) .....(no offence to Tux but Defence maps are the same thing over and over saving something from getting units brought to it... so yea...)
try playen the map before you judge, nothen ordinary about trigger happy defence.... in a good way.