QUOTE(Devlin _ @ Jun 4 2005, 07:04 AM)
Sounds cool Shinra. I think the armory should be held in higher value then the training room though.
Yeah, I guess so, I switched them around.
QUOTE(Slayer_dt_ @ Jun 4 2005, 07:04 AM)
Wow, that sounds cool! Kinda like DBZ/Gt Sagas, where you can train and upgrade, aint it?
Kinda, The training will be more like Mini-Town Defense type of training, although u can buy other units to help defend, your hero matters the most. and your hero will be the one that does the training. Your hero will also be used as the selector for unit buying and upgrading. And if your hero falls you loose.
QUOTE(Snipe @ Jun 4 2005, 07:04 AM)
Yea, it sounds like an original map. I can't wait to see it. Also did you quit Aep?