Turn base itself is risky when implemented into RPG, because it adds to the time needed both to make and play the game. Having someone else control where you go will take away an element usually found in RPGs,
freedom. The only person having "fun" will be you when beta testing the map because you will know where to go next, etc.
Harsh words, but "good medicines are bitter but will heal the disease". Chinese proverb.
So you think someone taking away the ability of freedom downgrades an rpg? I don't think so, it just takes away the independence of the storyline. a True rpg with these concepts would still have a huge fun factor. A True rpg would be something that follows through with a story-line, and sometimes this requires less freedom of roaming on a game(notice all the FF'S restrict how you go about things, many other rpgs do too). If you want an rpg that is not like this, they are called Open Rpgs, and usually don't have a particular story involved in them.
This map sounds like it might be somewhat good, but you really must give alot more detail and information. Such as an overlook of the storyline, ideas on setting, timezone, events going on, what type of viewpoint the story will be in, etc. You didn't really give enough information to criticize it, or even post it in here.
Give us more info please, goodluck on your map.