QUOTE(Yoshi da Sniper @ Jun 5 2005, 08:24 PM)
This is caused by you going to a site where they were leeching images, so it rewrote it into that. Thus, its still in your cache. All you have to do is Refresh or clear your cache and it will work.
How would I do that? (Sorry for not knowing... and possably wasting your time)
QUOTE(RockyNguyen @ Jun 5 2005, 08:28 PM)
Wow Yoshi basically fixed it in a second after all that calculating and work. What a waste of time. Haha.
Work? what work? I see no work?
All I did was go through with my calculator and do a list where I went to Page 1 of attachments, made a list like {downloads*filesize,downloads*filesize,etc} all the way to the bottom of page 1, did "sum(L1" (adds the numbers in the list) put that as the first number of a new list and went down the 2nd page. then did that untill page 7. Not that hard, plus I do nothing anyways.