I'm pretty new here I just started a few days ago, btw if anyone wants to face me in a little melee battle on B.net im always ready my name on b.net is Darkwing_Dragon, I use to be famous for my map making skills but I died out after a while

Hmmm... What maps did you make? I dont recall you.
I made a couple Sailor Moon maps, Escaflowne madness kinda maps, and a few more, but now my maps are rare to find on b.net even if and only a few people was able to dl the maps because of the music and loads of triggers I put into it. I used to work with a guy named Godspeed he was my partner making the maps but after his channel was gone (Crystal_tokyo) I wasn't able to give out my maps anymore,

Hello Person! Are you evil?
I'm somewhat evil...

I already did

i realize that...


And you have the only active member in SEN... me...
Welcome Hybrid.
Shrimpy is active...
Flaming and kiko are too. And me.
and Hybrid now, but can no tell if active...
I is active on and off but mostly on.
Yeah, I dont understand that, but SP is right, most members in my Clan are largely inactive, but Evil at least...
We is all evil!! Muhahahaha!!!
O and Hybrid Neko I will face you on B.net. I'm en_taro_ tassadar.
LOLOL so you did change it from "Shrimpmiseter!"
I'm gonna change mine ("Aster23") to "en_taro_adun"
just for spite!
What if I change mine to that?
I was thinking about it.

Some people also know me as Pegasus22 "the sailor moon map maker"
Oh and btw shrimpy , i'll face you on b.net when I get my cd back :boxing:
And how do I get minerals around here?
post in places that don't say that it doesn't count towards your post count whenever you post there.
Whenever you are ready to face me I'll be ready to lose!:D
Thanks, but don't worry, i'll go easy
Go as easy as you want and you will still probably win. That is how bad I am.
Bleh, no ones the best even if someone is there will always be someone else who would beat them

Toal of bnet fights for me: 3
Losses: 2
Mine is wins: 87 losses: 23 dissconects: 14 draw: 4