Hey folks, I was just thinking one beautiful day, that it would be real neat to have a pirate map. Then I thought, no doubt someone already made one, but because my net was down, I just got started. Its an ez project, and not an expert map by all means... just something to pass the time. heres some info
Size: 128x128 I believe
Terrain Description: Its Jungle Terrain, Using Jungle as the "Ships" and water of course as the water. The Ships are side by side like they were "sailing" along side eachother.
Players: The game is six players. One captain for each side, and 2 crewmen.
Description: Basically, 2 ships get together for apparently no reason... and Arghh... they battle. There are cannons (Siege tanks) along both ships, constantly shooting eachother. Its up to the crewmen to repair the cannons, recruit men, build more cannons, and protect the captain. If the captain dies, game over! Both sides spawn men in the enemy ship, like men were attacking using swinging ropes. In this sense, it is a lot like a DOTA. On top of that, the crewmen and captain can recruit more men, using minerals that you mine. The crewmen get 1 scv, the captain 2. The captian also spawns some extra men in his ship for defence, offense or cultist sacrifices.
I could use some beta testers if any of you folks are interested. I could also use some input.
*Sound like fun. PM me if you would like me to BETA test i would love to
map already (almost done). TurtleGod(MC)'s Life of a Pirate. Me and bonelesskid were working on it until we had a bit of a missunderstanding.
We have the same thing with the ships being side-by-side. Using the bridge terrain turtlegod made the ships. We had Capital ships (Battlecruisers, Carriers) moving, then when you enter battle, you move to the 2 ships side by side. We had siege tanks as cannons, we had different types of crewmen. You could choose if you wanted them to follow you off the ship or not. It was kick-ass. Even had a working compass for the ship.
hmm both maps sound cool, two pirate maps is better than one I suppose
Which reminds me Euro, if you wouldn't mind i'd like to see what you've done to the map, i've just been inspired to start working on it again if you wouldn't mind.
A really awesome idea would to have like other pirates invade ships in the middle of battle ya no it would be more realistic and you should also have some type of goal other than destroying the ships you could be able to cross over to other ships to try and steal gold
and it would be cool to roam around the world looking for treasure just a few ideas but a pirate map would defanately be cool i mean we got every thing else (midevil, modern, future)
Euro, urs is SO much better than mine. Mines just a little project i did to make me un-bored. Really, Its pretty newbish map... then again im a pretty newbish maker
. But anywho, this is just beta.. and if i was to actually set my mind to it, I could create a pretty good map, if i had time. I really did this also to improve my ability on triggers, ect. Im really not very good.
bonelesskid same as you i've done shit especially when my cd-rom busted my cd *read aEp Forums* Just finish it but leave mine and turts name on it.
Nah i don't wanna work on it by myself, i have no idea how the story line goes, and it's a big project for one person.
sounds fun!! SuP Triggamasta ~~~~ Long time now see brotha~
anyways, i like the priate idea! sounds really fun, and instresting. ^_^
and also.
"off topic" if anyone has space pirates. please send me it >.<
Sounds very interesting. Keep us updated on your progress with this. I mean, this is another map with potential, but it's gonna depend on the maker (you). So good luck!
*damnable lag...
well i can still help you with the storyline, but as of now, my bw cd is all fuxxored in the beastly cd-rom. I can't install xtra or scmd2 without it.
Cool, Sounds like a fun little map to play, Can't wait for it to come out...
Oh yeah, If you need any testers let me know
Alright. Ive got the basic Trigger beta version out. Its nothing special. I just did it for the knowledge of doing the triggers. I'm not planning on releasing this version on account of the fact that it sucks. Im still working on it. Slowly, but surely.
Can we see it?
Sound fun and I would really love to see what turns up
, I could test a few things with it too